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Posts posted by daytonadeath

  1. K I’m just gonna say this one more time, for the people in the back. If I say “I only like people with dark hair” “I only like people with black hair” “I only like people with big noses” “I only like people with short hair” etc. No, that is obviously not racist. However, if I say “I only like Spanish people” “I only date asian people” “I won’t date a black person” etc. it IS racist bc I’m making generalizations, assumptions, and stereotyping about all people in a certain race and fetishizing them. Not to mention, Lana saying she wants to dye her hair black to look more “Spanish” is cultural appropriation because she is trying to benefit off a culture that she is not a part of. Its like a white person saying “hey i’m going to get dreadlocks and golden grills bc I want to look more black so my boyfriend will like me more”

    If none of yall can see a problem w this then thats cool, stay ignorant x x.

    Its funny how a simple Wikipedia search can prevent u from being ignorant and complacent



    as a Latin I can say that we're more worried about the fact that americans STILL control our politics than a random alternative pop singer saying that she wants to look spanish. You want to do something for latin people? Study how imperialism still fucks us, study how americans gave money to the military dictatorship here etc. Stuff like a girl dying her hair black really isn't that important to us. 

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