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Posts posted by daytonadeath

  1. Even a simple "Idk what the fuck I'm doing guys" or "this era will be more simple than all the others" would make me happy. Because then it's like OHHH you're not lazy, you're just confused lmao that's cool Lana 

    that's make sense!

    I mean, let's be honest, she did built a whole persona to make herself famous, now she's probably getting back to her roots, and that's hard! She lived since 2011 as this vintage glamourous girl, and now she's doing something more simple!

    To be honest, she's acting like those alternative/indie artist that she is, she's not acting like this popstar that she thought that she wanted to be (or that her label made her to be)

  2. Why can't she just say that on a livestream or notepad insta post though, instead of leaving long time fans scratching their heads wondering wtf is going on :awkney2: If she doesn't want to make high budget music videos, do interviews, take HD photoshoots, she literally can just say that. It's not about her HAVING to, it's about respecting your fans and giving them a heads up because they're currently paying for the house that you live in, the coffees you like to drink everyday, the cars you drive, etc.  :toofunny: It's fine if she doesn't want glamorous art anymore, and that she wants everything to be more simple, but a nice "hey guys, things won't be the same this era" would be so so so nice of her

    Maybe we should wait a little more (I know it's rough lol) to see what she have to say in her interviews. I mean, she have been doing some livestream, maybe we should ask the right questions like "when are we going to see the artwork? When are you going to release the album/tracklist?" etc... you know?

  3. It's just my opinion, great thing is everyone has one, and it adds to the flavor that is life. Imagine a whole meal with one spice? DISGUSTING!  :flutter:  Still love you though

    lol you're right! I get what you're saying. But can I be honest? I don't think that she's lazy or don't care about her art, I think that Lana is trying to find her way again, does it makes sense? I mean, she knows what she's doing, but I think that she's probably figuring how to do what she wants. The final product is amazing (I mean, her new songs are good and even the critics are agreeing with that), it's just how she's working with it, you know? Lana is bad with marketing and promotion, but she's giving us great art. I think that she's aiming for something more raw, more real, you know? The music videos may not be like from the BTD/UV era, but they're more "real" somehow. That's what I think, they're different from the past, but that doesn't make them worse, they come from different places, ideas and aesthetics. Obviously that's my opinion, but I do like to see what she's doing now

  4. I just want her to seem excited and actually like sit down and think about an era. Not throw a bunch of shit together and the gays eat it up like rain in the Sahara dessert. Those videos were garbage, you can "oh but if um erh she oop um" all you want


    The videos: trash. The excitement and overall passion over HER OWN WORK: trash. The only thing going for this era is the music, also don't forget Hope was shat out in one session as she said, and the production/mixing ain't shit, so if this is what the music on the album is going to sound like, what has she been doing for 6 months? Why tease it if you don't care. It's just such a messy era. She honestly should just never make a music video again, don't tease songs, no more album covers, just focus on the music if it's T H A T hard for you to show a little excitement or put passion into your work. But of course, there's gays that will fight me, the same gays that would stan Lana farting over wii music and eat that shit tf up, but I'm sorry, compared to what she has given us, the level of art she's shown us, this era really isn't shit. We've seen better. Am I excited for the new album? Yes. Does this era live up to any era that Lana has had before? No, no where close sis. 

    honey I do love you. Don't make me disagree with you

  5. She is, and AOC is my queen (other than Lana). Vote fl0rida!!!

    Do you like Frida Kahlo?

    Do you think that Trump smells like shit?

    Do you support latin culture?

    If the answer for all those questions are "yes", so you should vote for @fl0ridakil0s 

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