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Posts posted by Formation

  1. 50 minutes ago, Fireffie said:

    What actual proof we have of the next album? Except for the fact that we know she's writing it, has she ever said anything else? 

    I thought that with Man's World it meant that something was coming but 2 months have passed and we have 0 news. At this point I'm thinking it was a random single just to grab some $$$

    She said in this Nov. interview that the writing was done and she was going through the production stage. I forget where, but she had also mentioned that she had planned to release "Man's World" during her spring 2020 tour that was cancelled. So the single was always meant to be a sort of promo track rather than a proper lead single (given that if the pandemic had not happened, we would've gotten the song long before she was even near finishing writing). From the way she's spoken of things, I have to assume she's aiming for an early summer release, but we'll see.

  2. We know that she scrapped a lot of tracks that are apparently much better than anything on the B-side, so I'm quite curious about DL3. She said she already sort of knows what she wants to do for it, and that she wants to keep evolving and changing as an artist. But I feel like using outtakes from the previous project wouldn't fit into that vision, so I guess we'll see if they ever see the light of day (legally)--otherwise I don't understand why she would scrap songs that are objectively better than what she's giving us.


    Anyways, I don't hate any of the B-side songs, but they definitely fall short of the highs of the standard version (sans IIAM, that still slaps). I am happy that she is giving us so much content, though. Can't complain on that front.

  3. Hit album? Check. Visuals? Check. Controversy? Check (I hate her, I really do. Just stay home girl :toofloppy:). Best cover of Rolling Stone in a while? Check. 


    So what I'm hearing is Dua is a MPG :defeated:

  4. (Sorry if this is somewhere obvious in the forum rules) what’s the policy on swearing on here? For years I’ve always found it uncomfortable to curse on my statuses or posts for literally no specific reason. I’ve even censored lyrics when posting them on my status lmao I might still do it out of habit, but just curious if there’s even a policy for keeping things PG-13. 

  5. If home demos are leaking this means that the long Froot demo has a chance :defeated:Also it’s so interesting seeing how much of the songs she already had done at home. I hope this next album definitely has more of her as the producer 

  6. Is the Better Than That demo legit (the one w/ the MATD Greece tag)? Anyways, this reminds me that I cannot believe the amount of BTT slander I see. It's one of my favorites off Froot (I love the call and response background vocals during the verses in particular:defeated:)

  7.  If she's going to film a video for the first single (assuming it's for the single, given this is the first we've heard of a video for the B side), then I'm thinking the B-side is coming late January/February? Maybe for Grammy season :legend:

  8. The people on TikTok that do the overly animated faces and the Gen Z apocalypse cosplayers are going to eat up Night Crawling lmao 


    I'm glad I didn't pay too much attention to the leaks earlier this year :bop:

  9. 4 hours ago, vrtvie said:

     In fact, the Electra Heart concept was really broad and it touched upon different elements of the American culture as well as feminism; actually, the idea was not an ad hoc concept, Marina had its basics in mind before she even started writing songs like Bubblegum Bitch. Yes, tracks such as Power & Control were not meant for Electra Heart, but it is merely one of many songs on the album and it still fits one of the female archetypes.

    The core of what I'm trying to get it is that the idea of splitting the songs into the Love + Fear categories was executed just as well as her concept of the Archetypes and Electra--sort of loosely and sporadically (you have to reach to make the visuals of EH feel coherent). I don't think her inability to go farther with either (due to lack of foresight or budget) is a fault, which is why it bothers me that the general perception of Marina the past few years has been that she suddenly lost the plot and just made a bunch of basic pop songs. People can argue on whether it was not a good decision to stick to simplistic pop production--and I would agree it was not--but she employed the same methods of building an era for L+F as she did her previous records. Electra Heart at the time was not universally loved as it is now. I guess I am just confused and in disagreement with the vibe people give off when discussing her work where they act like she suddenly flipped on her artistic vision and produced a flop era. 


    Anyways, whoever put up that fake Froot demo can rot because I thought the 7 minute one she started to play in her livestream a bit ago had leaked.

  10. 3 hours ago, Dyl said:

    So now that we have the vinyl for the single what do you guys think she will do for the full album?! I’m so excited to see what she has planned for us because the froot box set was such a serve and it seems like with Man’s World she’s back to colorful, exciting stuff

    It's interesting that she planned to release Man's World in April during Coachella given that the album wasn't even near being fully written, so I don't know what that says about her mindset in terms of a rollout. While I loved the Froot of the Month idea, I'm not sure if she would do it again per se, but I would love if she did do something unique again. (I thought the idea of releasing Love on its own before Fear was good). Regardless, I'm really hoping she continues this neon Greek aesthetic.


    Also, on the topic of DieLife and other conversations on past pages, it's kind of interesting that people pan Love + Fear for being a last-minute "forced" concept when both Froot and Electra were not far from that (also The Family Jewels as a title is quite flimsy thematically). She has stated before that she kind of just made up Electra Heart because her label was pushing her to do collabs, and she constantly switches between "Electra is a vehicle for me to talk about..." to "Electra is a character". I know she and others have tried to spin a narrative for Electra, but like, it's really not present within the tracklist lmao Marina clearly always pulls something together kind of randomly based on what she's interested in at the time rather than having a really set and clear vision, which you can criticize, but I do think this is just a part of her artistry--not a new fault of hers as I find people's comments usually implying. Idk why I just wrote this whole essay but props to whoever read it all :hooker:

  11. 35 minutes ago, TRENCH said:

     I literally was about to type this LMAO its literally a rough demo for sweet dreams :rip::

    I mean I guess they sampled Sweet Dreams given that this came years after, but yes still so random. Legends inspired by legends though :bop:

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