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Everything posted by sjatib

  1. Sure "gurl" is just an expression, but here a guy (not offended, just don't have english as first language and don't know so much about this kind of expressions, just comunicative clumsiness from me). People has been ofended so much more from her behaviour last months an she hasn't even blinked. Don't think, actually, that she needed to distract people from that matter, and less even with releasing - not one, but two - new songs and teasing a new album. Unfortunately for palestinian people, not everyone is so keen on defending their human rights as Roger Waters is.
  2. Lana didn't even perfom there at last. Your theory doesn't make sense.
  3. Always thought it was poor and boring, at least the version we got.
  4. Was about to post this video... Like... Can we have 13:44 minutes to appreciate the magnificence her band jams with?
  5. Don't know actually how to feel about this. Kinda find it surreal, like I can't believe this happened, even if she finally fucking did it. I think we can be happy.
  6. I happily do! It was me who minsunderstood -no pun intended-, so excited that I did and we actually had some updates!
  7. Hahaha... I think what happened was a confusion on Ben's instagram direct video. All the people at the crowd where shouting "Cinnamon", and someone asked "why are they saying two months?". I think it was just misunderstanding. No info was given on the direct video he made, if some announcement was gonna be made i think that a video from his manager would have shown it.
  8. I find quite fortuneless from you to feel with the freedom to give anyone mental health tips or suggest illness without even knowing who is the person you are talking to. Mental health is not a thing to joke about, or to banalize with. Quite disrespectful to people when there are many actually suffering from that kind of issues. I don't consider myself a "stan", and at this point, I think that everyone has noticed than the thing goes far beyond than "not releasing an album". Let's say almost everyone, as it shows you haven't seen that there's a pattern on the way she's been acting lately. Thousands of people asking not for an album, maybe just for news or some kind of professional or respectful way to deal with the information about something that you've been teasing for 9? 10 months?. Only thing that she gives is diva behaviour, not giving a shit about the expectations or the amount of emotions the fandom has put on what is important for them. Teasing and holding her hand over and over, for almost a year now, with tons of messages, comments, fans shouting on crowds, forums like this one, daily, asking for some serious facts about her artistic project -which is just possible for her to develop and to do a living from just because of the support from this same fandom-. To just show disinterest about people whom you've previously assured that will be watching after any step you take, believe or not, is a way of psychological mistreat.
  9. Don't want to be rude, actually, but we should stop following all the path of stupidity Lana and her "friends" (?¿) are making the fans walk through. Don't get what the fuck happens to her behind the scenes, don't know why the fuck is she surrounding herself with people like those girls (whom I found actually hollow-minded and childish -even if I'm judging NoT KnOWiNg AnY Of ThEm-), but the only thing that seems clear is that none of her fans deserve to be psychologically mistreated as she's been doing for months to us. And seemingly on purpose. She has a whole forum here that's built around appreciation and worship of her person and her art, people who spend lots of their time trying to follow her, and the responses by her are just fooling and humiliation. Whatever debt she may think is getting paid with the industry or the treat she has gotten as a famous person (which is i think she's doing, being the most visible sign the unending aim to destroy any commercial appeal built around her), wasn't contracted by us. I will, myself, stop following her on social networks. Patience has it's healthy limit. Won't stop checking this thread, anyway, find u all quite smart and funny, and love reading your views. I would recommend that we all should do the same -maybe she'd got a sense of how much she's pissed her own fanbase-, but I guess any of us has the right to deal however we want with this shit.
  10. Hey. Should be studying, but the hype about tomorrow and 22 is keeping me from that. Just was thinking. LA To the Moon Tour ended months ago, and, since then, she's just been playing festivals. Malahide's 22 concert is her own gig, not part of any summer festival. So, watching at how disinterested she's been about all concerning her own musica project this last year, should we expect that having a gig of her own -not being a part of last album's tour- serves as an opening for the album release? All together with the other facts y'all have been collecting last weeks -tomorrow's her birthday, fridays being a good day to launch an album for commercial reasons, her teasing the title track few days ago, etc.-. I know that she's not given reasons to be hopeful about in many months, but this all seems to make sense. Even if that's not a reason to be hopeful either. But... Just wanted to share the thought with you. Once all this shit is ended, I'll miss the sense of community created around this thread, the critical visions and the humour that lacks so much in all the other fan pages - Cough, Lanadelnews, cough-.
  11. Hey there. Been reading this thread for some months, and given the level of nonsense over all this thing just decided to create an account and send a message. I find beautiful the way all of us fans are so concerned about Lana's new work -in my case, her new album; her poetry seems like garbage to me-. Perhaps, i think that the level of misbehaviour she's keeping to her fans nearly touches a way of psychological abuse. It's fucking absurd we're all having to check if she likes or not a comment made on Instagram by her manager, it's absurd we have to wait months and months just to receive a fucking glimpse of something that never ends up being real information (weird tweets, horrible poems, weird church pics and stuff). As much as I love Lana's work and how hard I artistically relate to her, I think fans should put limits to their patience and remind her that it itsn't true what many here are saying ("she doesn't owes us anything"), as she basically owes EVERYTHING to her fans about the life she is able to have and the mere possibility of behaving as she is right now is due to the fans who have supported her both financially and in all imaginable ways from 2011 to now. She has many incredible albums done which -at least for me- dont seem to get old nor boring, as they're amazing, and there are tons of amazing artists out there who really need support and affection right now to grow and develop their visions, thing that doesn't seem to appeal Lana for the moment. Just vindicating the respect and the selfworth we as fans deserve, given the fact that Lana seems to have forgotten about it.
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