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Everything posted by WilshireBoulevard

  1. Admitting you're posting on this thread to make people pressed and we're the ones who are bitter and angry about everything, okey henny
  2. She could keep that happy shit. I need post-BTD lana learning how much she hates fame and recording it between Paradise tracks.
  3. I'll probably wait a few months and then listen to it completely on my birthday with new headphones to really appreciate it. Before then I'll probably either listen on shuffle or just to singular songs. I didn't listen to LfL all the way through until I was having a breakdown a couple months later. The album has its faults but damn if Get Free isn't a good song to have a revelation to
  4. I think this has made me really see the difference in how the songs feel. The BTD album has songs with such massive scope- you could listen to it driving with your boyfriend of three months to Las Vegas to get married, you could listen to it at 14 and think about the crush you never speak to, and still get that rush. With a song like MAC though, I feel like to truly feel it you need to have had a more mature relationship experience. I've listened to MAC frequently since it came out as I was going through a long, drawn-out not-quite break-up with someone that thought my own sadness could be co-opted by them. While a lot of the songs on BTD might talk about specific situations, like swinging in the backyard while your boyfriend plays video games, or walking the streets as a 17 year old alcoholic prostitute, they're still more universal than a specific conversation in someone's car or by an apartment complex. It's kind of strange to me that as she clearly loses interest in fame she makes her lyrics so, so personal and precise.
  5. Posting on-topic only becomes relevant when someone starts posting about things other people don't want to talk about. A trad jedi.
  6. Yep. I'm glad she's being active on ig and that people are getting to see her live, meet her for the first time, that she's acknowledging the album (I wouldn't go so far as saying I'm grateful but hey, each to their own), but it's just not a black and white situation. She's acknowledged NFR? Good! She still didn't acknowledge it or its release for a good few months after a deadline she set and I don't know why people act like it's wrong to be annoyed at that
  7. Unfortunate for those fanbases. No offence but I'm not a big fan of being told I'm ungrateful for being annoyed that this 'top of the year' album still has no release date, and being told I should be grateful for her... doing live performances. Yeah okay.
  8. Hopefully something coming soon. Something kind of has to come soon if it's ever coming out. Also, to all the poor souls impacted by the horrific crime, gods and monsters is back up on spotify afaik
  9. Is Poland her last performance that we know of? Maybe something will come once she's done with these summer performances
  10. I saw her giving me that look when I nearly blew my paycheck on guilty absolute. That fucking look. The content. The photoshoots. The nails and the outfits. God, that black dress. Take me back,
  11. Stop hating on Burnt Norton, I risked detention stealing a book of TS Eliot from school because of her Also I have my doubts abt 2nd July but willing to be wrong about it. July 4th as people have floated, or 5th seem more likely given it's a friday
  12. My friend who works for a label confirmed it's Dully Grilled Dildos, I can give you his number if you want.
  13. Not to jump into something I'm not involved in but speaking as someone who's generally quite negative on this thread it's quite refreshing to see people that are positive and excited for confirmed projects, and hounding them for no reason is... a choice.
  14. Ah yes 'the gays overreacted,' a classic, not like PACBI got involved or anything. Just 'the gays' yep.
  15. Agreed with the timing of the singles (and I absolutely fell for it, used precious internet time to download MAC so I could listen to it on holiday) but don't forget 'top of the year.'
  16. Lana walking out of spin class with a matcha latte like 'what's promotion?'
  17. I'm not thinking about what makes sense so much as what she'd be allowed to do. Would she even be able to put it on the album if it's not really her song and it was done for the sublime documentary? I doubt disney would allow her to put the maleficent song(s) on if she wanted to, for example. Plus it's not like doin' time is having a crazy amount of streams, it's still less than MAC, VB, Hope etc- i know it's been out for much less time, but still. Not to mention whether the number of streams is decreasing, which I think someone mentioned it is. It doesn't have the best replay value. Copyright / ownership issues aside, I don't think it would be that much of an anomaly that her label would make her put it as a bonus. Agreed about wanting the two months to go quickly though
  18. If it was made for the sublime doc then I really don't see it being on the album tbh- the closest she's had to having a song recorded for an ad on an album was blue velvet, and that wasn't specifically for h&m. If Y&B wasn't on an album with the amount of streams it got, I don't see doin' time being on nfr.
  19. How true this is... deep pressing. I think if she had released NFR at the top of the year this would be even truer. The more I think of it- all the events she was going to, performing at, LAttM just wrapped, face of Gucci guilty, two singles out, the snippets and poetry still fresh- she really was at the top of her game. She might have been signed to do the sublime cover and the Miley Ariana collab around then too. With all that in mind the delay truly makes zero sense to me, she would have had a grammy nomination secured with all the momentum behind her.
  20. 'Hope you'll enjoy the new record, it's coming out in three months :)'
  21. I see it ending kind of chill tbh. Like kind of cathartic but low-key and relaxed.
  22. My whole post is about things not entirely related to the music quality, so I'm not sure why you singled that out. My point was the music vids for the songs on the album so far are messy and lazy. At least two use the same footage- if HiaB also gets a mv then we're probably going to see that damn footage again.
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