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Everything posted by WilshireBoulevard

  1. This sounds kind of dumb but if I tilt my laptop screen back with the brightness up I can see a different colour around her name, not that I believed this jump-starter either way
  2. Rumour has it NFR's delay is because her Leapfrog LeapPad can't connect to the internet, thus preventing her from ever releasing or tweeting to let us know
  3. LfL was honestly ruined because of cameos. I love stevie nicks but BPBP is really unlistenable to me. I freeze everytime I hear that goddamn piano because of what's coming next.
  4. I highly doubt interscope would be entirely happy with the massive delay with no communication to the fans, and again, there's no way they'd accept fans asking for the album release date as a reason for... delaying. It might not be their no.1 priority but either way people leaving ig comments isn't going to do anything to delay the album lmao.
  5. 'Make the delay longer' I'm sorry but they're not children that must be coddled or they'll not do something out of pure spite. They're professionals (apparently) and fans, you know, the people that pay their bills, voicing their want for an album isn't going to make them delay it longer just cuz. Genuinely sick of people blaming everyone but Lana at this point. You're really going to pretend that interscope would accept "the fans are mean in instagram comments :(" as an acceptable excuse for Lana, their grammy-nominated cash cow, not releasing an album that fans are incredibly, incredibly vocal about wanting to spend their money on and time streaming? The delusion is honestly real.
  6. Share my body and my mind with you That's all over now Did what I had to do 'Cause you're so far past me now Share my body and my life with you That's way over now There's not anymore I can do You're so famous now Got your bible We were warned
  7. Florida Kilos and West Coast really are those Scarface, young-Al-Pacino-is-your-gangsta-boyfriend MASTERPIECEs
  8. 2011 ladies, video games year maybe ms del rey will log on and release it next page, the BTD anniversary page
  9. The album that turned me from a casual listener into a stan. I had it saved up on my phone and hadn't got around to listening to it yet, and then one night I was at my crush's sleepover and she fell asleep next / on top of me and west coast came on shuffle. Felt like I was floating. When I'd walk home from school that summer I'd time the music I was listening to so the last song was always shades of cool, and the pavement was so hot as I walked and the soles of my shoes were so thin that I could feel my feet burning but I'd concentrate on the song instead. Not to be dramatic or anything but the next year of my life was the worst (so far), and when I couldn't stop crying I'd put on Brooklyn Baby and let it calm me down. I think the album will always feel like a form of escapism for me because everything is so exaggerated, a kind of heightened form of each emotion, that I can see myself in the core of it but let the rest of it just kind of envelope me into pretending I'm someone else who's a lot more sure of herself. Justice for Brooklyn Baby and Florida Kilos. Both deserve vids.
  10. Let's decide which drugs the albums are. NFR is adderall because I needed it to get through exams, but it was nowhere to be found
  11. I'd be surprised if she even acknowledged it, given most of them are festivals (I think, feel free to correct me lmao) and most people there will be there to hear summertime sadness
  12. Whether MAC or VB were lead singles or not means nothing and wouldn't fix the messiness of this era. Hashtag top of the year, hashtag album's done but who knows when it'll be released lil b. No point in trying to save the NFR era. She's dead.
  13. Why do people legit come here to complain abt the thread.... lit rally don't get it.........
  14. May the new milenia finally bring some good fcking food Also OT but every time I see your signature it absolutely hypnotizes me idk why
  15. not to start anything but please don't reduce it to or blame this mess on 'the gays' overreacting about middle eastern shows lmao
  16. From this: https://www.businessinsider.com/why-i-stopped-going-to-soulcycle-2015-7?r=US&IR=T it looks like it's just an overpriced and not-very-good spin class. Though this quote made my eye twitch lmao. More vapid and boring L.A. cliques.
  17. I'll admit that the line in that one poem about the traffic starting to sound like the ocean has stuck with me. If it's available in my country I'll be buying it
  18. I haven't seen anyone actually believe the story lmao?
  19. My fave vid of her meeting a fan is when the fan said she was going to get the autograph tattooed and she was like 'NO you're not D:' or that pic of her and a fan that looks like 13 sitting on her knee smoking lmao
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