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Posts posted by Mariann

  1. I am not sure if I loved Lana so much if I had listened to only her official Born To Die album. All her leaks add so much variety to her officially released songs and make me appreciate her as an artist even more. It's great to see how much her music has evolved during the years and honestly I love many of her unreleased songs even more than the album versions. They seem so much more genuine and emotional.

    I don't understand why people complain that leaks are bad for a singer but still continue to listen to them when somebody else leaks them on the Internet. Isn't that a bit hypocritical? If you disapprove so strongly of the new leaks then you shouldn't be the one to praise these songs and help to spread them even further. I love leaks. I don't know how Lana feels about these songs spreading among fans but I hope that she isn't too upset when true fans get to enjoy some more of her talent. Isn't that why she has written her music in the first place?

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