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Everything posted by TheKingofHorror

  1. I promise I will it was like 5 am when I made this thread and well, ok no excuses it was just dumb I can admit it.
  2. I changed my profile pic just now. Lol ok, new friends are always cool, nice to meet you. Also everyone sorry for my stupidity I really am. I knew the song was hers but, I guess I don't know all of Lana's styles of singing etc yet.
  3. I think I'd die if she covered Criminal by Fiona Apple or maybe oh god she'd sing Shadow Boxer so perfectly.
  4. I want to see one for Money Power Glory where Lana is like a femme fatale. Shooting guns and swimming in diamonds.
  5. I'm gay why do you ask? And seriously to me that doesn't sound like her. I get it with the non pitched ones but, that one I found just didn't sound like her. Maybe I need to explore her past tracks a little more. She sounds a lot different now.
  6. So if it's pitched, does a non pitched one exist for comparison?
  7. Okay so there's this video on YT that this person is claiming is Lana https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=nVWfG1ujS6I Am I losing my damn mind or am I wrong? It sounds nothing like her. Maybe Lana's grandmother but, not her. Way too deep, it's weird and I think someone trying to impersonate Lana. So let me know if I'm wrong because, it's driving me nuts. Is it just tuned weird for copy purposes? I mean if it's her I'm seriously shocked. There's parts I think maybe but, it's so different...
  8. I love this video so much it's my favorite music video of hers by far. I love the concept, the artistry, the direction. Lana looks so amazing and natural and real in this video. She does every movement with such class even just eating a strawberry. She's so careful and beautiful ugh, I wish I had an inch of sex appeal she does. Even when she's dancing it's just magic. Please have mercy on my soul Lana I can't take how good this one is.
  9. ^^ I agree with this the Greek influenced.
  10. I found Wonderwall on YT and she seems to only sing part of Knockin' on Heavens Door. Thanks for the info though! Didn't find the other two at all. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LICMHRIYTjY End of the World
  11. I haven't heard her covers of Wonderwall, Heartbreak Hotel, Knockin' on Heaven's Door, or Dance Me To the End of Love. So now I will search the outer spaces of the internet for these covers lol. Do any audio clips exist? Even live ones?
  12. I'm so glad I was right about the Alleluia at first I thought it was LA, New York. Kinda sounds like it could be that but, then I closed my eyes and really felt it. I love the chorus of this song so much.
  13. Only one I haven't heard is Flipside and I need to hear it now that I've heard the rest.
  14. Favorite is for sure, Cruel World. Should have been the title single etc. It's so perfect. Least is Other Woman maybe, I just don't connect with it. I dunno I really love the whole album and damn it's dark. It's so sad. Good thing sad songs don't make me depressed lol.
  15. I was just listening to one of mine well, I think it's my favorite by far Goodbye Kiss originally by Kasabian. I'm even going to learn how to play it on acoustic it's a beautiful song even the original. So I'm curious, what are everyone's favorite covers Lana does? I know of a few. Heart Shaped Box, Blue Velvet, Once Upon A Dream, End of the World (no studio version and that kills me), Summer Wine, and Chealsea Hotel No 2 (Amazing)
  16. I love Serial Killer but, one of my top favorites and probably my favorite demo is Damn You. Which is missing.
  17. I think I do a pretty decent job at singing Blue Jeans but, I sing it a little different than Lana. Maybe I'll share a clip with you guys if I feel up to it. I love singing Serial Killer but, I kinda doubt I sound good doing so. It's easy to play on guitar though, both are.
  18. I swear I clearly hear ade at the end of the word. What's le Monet?
  19. .........................................WHAT THE HELL?
  20. I think this one is going to have to grow on me honestly. I really loved the song and the live version gave off a seriously dark vibe but, the studio version feels a little watered down. It's too dreamy and easy going for what the lyrics are. I don't mean it should be like death metal guitar solos or anything just more simple because, the lyrics speak for themselves just fine. The 70's twang, the layered vocals, the piano opening that leads into an awkward transition. It just all feels really sloppy. On the other hand Lana sounds fantastic as usual. I'm just hoping she does a live acoustic version of this song because, it could be so much more than whoever produced this track. And I mean no disrespect but, it feels like a demo. I kind of wish it was a demo.
  21. Blessed is this union. Crying tears of gold like lemonade, is what I hear for sure. And yes pretty sure it's comprende these white lines as well. Though I have no idea how anyone would get the use of cocaine out of that. Maybe, Idk I'm even more confused by that line now. Also it seems in the official she changed Jim to he once of twice. Interesting and again, EVEN MORE CONFUSING.
  22. Well comprende means understand or comprehend. Are those the lyrics for sure? I thought it was comprende these last lines. As in "understand these last lines" like perhaps she's saying to him listen closely to this last part. I'm not certain but, it's a theory. And if it's these last night maybe she means something like remember these last nights. I comprehend, I get it, I rememeber. Just spekulation. Would be nice to see the official lyrics.
  23. Honestly the song has a whole longing feeling to me "We can go back to New York" like she saying we could go back we could go back please "I would do anything for you babe" but, even if she doesn't know it, it's over. It wasn't meant to be but, she's still holding onto it so tightly. I don't know. I hear so much angst in this song. Not really even in the way she sings it but, the lyrics alone. It's almost like she's pleading for that insane thing they had but, it's not reailty. It is more like a fantasy, an idea now. That's just what I hear though.
  24. It's possible that Barrie knows very well about her feelings for Jim but, doesn't really care. There's people with open relationships for one. I mean it's possible that they just aren't very strict about things. Then there's the fact that maybe Jimmy loves Lana more than she loves him. It is possible. Or maybe behind closed doors they don't have the most amazing relationship but, there's always the hounding papz ya know? There's a million different scenerios. I'm not saying that any of this is factual of course. A lot of celebrities have open relationships or different non monogamous ones because, there's too much pressure and distance and times.
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