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Nick Del Rey

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Everything posted by Nick Del Rey

  1. I went to urban outfitters and they don't even have the vinyl in their system, pretty sure it'd be in their system if they were getting it on Friday ): so I guess all of the vinyls are coming in September not just the ones on her store
  2. "maybe by the time this song is done ill be able to be honest, capable of holding you in my arms without letting you fall" lyricist arrived It means that people had to fit into what all of the popular music sounded like
  3. Those noir vocals that she serves in the end of get free woooooo get free is one of her best songs
  4. omg I'm so happy these melodies serve VOCALS, Honeymoon is so monotone
  5. shes obviously joking, almost every album leaks before release once stores get them in stock and she knows that
  6. you and 500 other twinks at this point im sure
  7. We keep it in a locked room in a box that strictly says don't open until the 21st.... good luck with getting it from target lmfao
  8. Hey guys LDRC was suspended bc we posted the snippets that Lana posted on her Instagram which is so stupid... anyways we're working on getting it back
  9. lmao we don't get it until the 19th, it'll be out the next day in New Zealand. Also sorry I wouldn't leak it if I did LOL
  10. metro boomin didn't produce anything. He's not credited for anything at least
  11. what kind of west coast unmastered version teas
  12. they removed the youtube version, did anyone download it?
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