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Nick Del Rey

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Everything posted by Nick Del Rey

  1. dua's album already leaked like 2 days ago lol
  2. I trust Lana and I want this album to be perfect, I don't care how long it takes. The fact that she feels like it wasn't complete, the last time she felt that way we got Ultraviolence.
  3. you guys are rioting now but Lana doesn't care cause she knows that no matter what come time July 21st she's GETTING your coins
  4. Ben has HAD it with the twinks. He's gonna call everyone cunts soon, that's his favorite word
  5. i get so excited when I see the Lust for Life cover, its so beautiful whereas the honeymoon cover made me feel sick to my stomach I dont think it had anything to do with CWIMM, because I dont think that song has any indication to anything on LFL. The album was finished, it was supposed to come out today, I honestly think she just wanted to add a collab with Borns and/or Marina since they finally met lol.
  6. this is my exact concernn, I just hope she doesn't replace a bunch of songs, It'd be nice to just have an addition of songs though. I wouldn't mind a Borns or Marina collab but a G-Eazy collab has no place on an album with Stevie Nicks, he can keep that for his album
  7. Marina and Borns confirmed!!! Legendary! I'm totally okay as long as her new songs don't replace any of the old songs she's been working on for three years lol, and I hope they're aren't in the direction of Coachella - Woodstock, although I don't hate the song anymore.
  8. I hope yosemite sounds like the verses of BAR
  9. I'm bumping this thread because me and my boyfriend are watching the series and I'm obsessed
  10. If it did come out it'd come out within the next hour
  11. not you guys still thinking its coming tomorrow
  12. It would come out tonight at 11pm EST, but it's not lol. It's coming July 21st.
  13. at least were gonna have a proper pre order and box sets/ merch bundles
  14. Lana assumes everyone has lives outside of waiting for her album, how dare she!
  15. I honestly hope she just releases Cherry and then one more song, I hate when an album comes out and I've heard most of it, it ruins the album for me
  16. So beautiful Elle! Totally worth the wait hunnyy
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