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Nick Del Rey

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Posts posted by Nick Del Rey

  1. i get so excited when I see the Lust for Life cover, its so beautiful  :flutter:  whereas the honeymoon cover made me feel sick to my stomach

    Can we even trust Ben when he says she's adding completely new songs to the record, honestly? Imo she saw how CWIMM did, learned from it, and decided to go back to tweaking songs

    I dont think it had anything to do with CWIMM, because I dont think that song has any indication to anything on LFL. The album was finished, it was supposed to come out today, I honestly think she just wanted to add a collab with Borns and/or Marina since they finally met lol.

  2. I'm curious WHEN they decided to delay to add collabs and songs. She turned Coachella around so quick and it's very obvious it was a rush job. I hope the new additions won't have the same crappy production and low quality lyrics. I hope we don't say she should have kept these songs for ldr6 and perfected them.


    this is my exact concernn, I just hope she doesn't replace a bunch of songs, It'd be nice to just have an addition of songs though. I wouldn't mind a Borns or Marina collab but a G-Eazy collab has no place on an album with Stevie Nicks, he can keep that for his album  :toofunny:

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