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rosemead ramada

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Posts posted by rosemead ramada

  1. 11 minutes ago, Elle said:

    A new limited gold vinyl of The Great Gatsby soundtrack featuring Lana’s “Young and Beautiful” & the DH Orchestral Version has been made available for preorder on Interscope’s store! There’s only a few hundred left - https://interscope.com/collections/exclusives/products/the-great-gatsby-deluxe-edition-soundtrack-on-gold-nugget-2lp

    $50 with shipping :crai:

    *buys anyway*

  2. 3 minutes ago, Jukebox Sweetheart said:

    I'd also like to add that Israel isn't exactly a beacon of acceptance for LGBTQ+ people, same sex marriage isn't legal there (Although they do recognize same sex marriages that occur elsewhere) @Disney Slut already mentioned this but Israel only uses the narrative of acceptance when it serves to justify the genocide

    people of different religions can't even get married in Israel, the beacon of democracy. they would have to get a foreign marriage license to be recognized

  3. 29 minutes ago, American Whore said:

    you did something! lol you got me :gclap: but re-writing my post doesn't change what i said. be mad at the UK about israel stealing land / existing. btw isn't that what the crusades were about? religious wars between islam and christianity for lands in the middle east? which is why the jews were pushed into europe to begin with and then gathered and slaughtered along the number of millions. where should they go, now that we're several generations later? if palestine got the entire area back, what happens to the jews who live there?


    by your statements, since israel has been doing shit before october 7, why hasn't the UN or any other international entities stopped it? stepped in? does no one care, until it becomes a "war"? where has your support for palestine been for the last 10+ years? only now you're supporting them... why exactly? personally, i don't have a leg in the argument because i've never cared about the middle east and don't think about it very often, can't lie. it's not like it's the safest place in the world to visit and i don't plan to go there anytime soon (or in my lifetime ever, honestly)


    for a pro-LGBTQ+ website, you'd think you'd all see how evil they both are (israel and hamas/palestine). i am not going to stand up for a country that hates me and people like me. do i feel bad for those innocent lives being lost in palestine? yes. do i feel bad for their government, who doesn't give a fuck about their own people which is clear by their own statements that it's not the responsibility of Hamas to protect civilians, but the responsibility of the UN. i don't give a single fuck about their government and i hope something happens to change it there. gay people shouldn't be killed for being gay. but yassss homophobia ftw! :true:


    i also am not about to stand with groups of people who are pretending to be leftists but also posting signs saying "gas the jews"  in gatherings to protest the israel/hamas conflict. those who do that shit are fucking nazis and should be imprisoned. the last thing we need in this world are fucking nazis. (since this point is debatable, idk what they're saying, i heard in the video "gas the jews" but I can also hear "where's the jews". if it's gas the jews or where's the jews, i mean.... aren't both sus?)


    i agree with most of you that it should end, they've made their point, but i also think they're both in the wrong and a lot of you are influenced by the internet to think one is better over the other or thinking that celebrities have a responsibility to say something (they don't, there's no point. you think lana saying something is gonna stop it? get a fucking grip, be for fucking real.) thinking western media has much to do with anything in the middle east is embarrassingly immature. if all of this is about innocent civilians being killed, where is your voice for those who were kidnapped and held as hostages? 252 people kidnapped. (btw I love how you marked that out of my post, as if you're ignoring what hamas did to spark this into a bigger conflict than it needed to be.)

    I didn't just start supporting Palestine. The Pro-Palestine crowd has been well aware of what Israel does for a long time. The characterization that all these protestors just woke up one day and started being pro-Palestine because it was trendy is nothing more than demeaning propaganda. You could've asked me ten years ago and I would've told you how revolting Israels treatment of Palestinians was and the insane blind eye the world gives to their illegal settlements. The vast majority of people supporting Palestinians have been aware of what's going on for a long time. My cousins are half-Armenian and their family was from Jerusalem. They were living there in 1948 when Israel was created. They, like hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, lost their homes when the land was ethnically cleansed to create the Jewish state. Because they refused to have Israeli citizenship forced on them. Do you think when the British "gave away" Palestine that the land was empty?

    I'm also gay and I am so sick and tired of the pro-Israel crowd manipulating and weaponizing LGBT rights in their effort to guilt people into siding with Israel. It's revolting and offensive. Is that seriously how you justify all this? Your soul is rotten through and through

    I literally do not care that Israel is a better to society to live in for gay people. I do not care if the vast majority of Muslim countries are not very tolerant of gay people. That will NEVER justify what Israel does to Palestinians at large. That will never justify taking people's homes and bulldozing them, that will never justify forcing people to go through all sorts of checkpoints, that will never justify jailing children for throwing rocks. That will never justify the killing of thousands of Palestinians over the years. There are literally streets in the West Bank that Palestinians aren't even allowed to walk on. It's an apartheid state. The language used by the average Israeli to talk about Palestinians is absolutely sickening.

    The fact that you think Israel being more tolerant of gay people compared to a Palestinian state somehow justifies all this is absolutely deplorable and twisted. I'm sure all the gay Palestinians are just sitting around thinking, well it's too bad my grandmother's house was stolen and torn down to make room for more Israeli houses, and my little sister is in jail, and my father was shot and killed by the IDF on his way to work five years ago because he was mistaken as someone else, and all my cousins in Gaza have had their houses blown to smithereens and half of them are dead... but hey!!! Israel is LGBT friendly!! Go Israel!!

  4. 21 minutes ago, American Whore said:

    Hamas attacked first and kidnapped people. Hamas attacked in response to decades of illegal occupation and subjugation by Israel.  That's how it all started. 

    i mean, is kidnapping taking people's houses and land not evil? is murder not evil at a music festival when Israel has been killing thousands of Palestinians in the West Bank over the years with absolutely no punishment? why do i need to shut up, im allowed to speak too.

    the innocent palestinians don't deserve to be killed. but this started by hamas Israel, not the other way around. has israel gone too far? yes. the point i made is don't fuck around and find out. 

    I fixed your typos for you

  5. 35 minutes ago, yourboy said:

    Not sure if this is the right thread but Interscope US shop has restocked violet cream vinyl


    Do you think this could be the US clear variant? It doesn't seem like a repress cause this is supposed to be shipped out on June 1st. Thoughts..?

    I don't see anything about June 1? It says its a "pre-order" when I look at it but there's no date...

    btw I bought a cream vinyl from the Interscope store like a year ago hoping I'd get lucky and get a clear one, but I got the regular cream

  6. 11 minutes ago, marcodelrey said:

    I was wondering the same thing since I miss the clear mispress :um2:

    as a variant of variants collector I'm a little tempted to just buy one and see what happens... but then again, the new pressing of the green Chemtrails was basically identical in appearance to the first pressing, so I don't have high hopes whatever this is would look different compared to the old cream


  7. I just got off the phone with Lana and she told me the album is coming on September 13th, but it's actually called Laseaux. Sonically it's a mixture of Arkansas banjo, Milwaukee hiphop, and Beverly Hills housewives. Some of the songs are "Lily Pond Lane", "Shotgun Wedding", "I'm Afraid of Little Old You", and "Elon Musk (feat. Grimes).

  8. 2 minutes ago, taco truck said:

    It had a 9 minute wait while I had it in my cart and then it sold out:crai:

    How many hands does this woman have



    Edit: aaaaand it just sold out. i wonder how many they had for it to be in stock for 5 minutes

  10. 4 minutes ago, DemonMic2003 said:

    I believe @SalvaWHORE remade the lover album into daylight cut 4 songs and rearranged the Tracklist… now that is the second coming of Jesus

    edit: this was there Tracklist…
















    This.... is so much better

  11. Just now, yayoop said:

    I love the Chicks and I am destroyed that I can never listen to “soon you’ll get better” because it’s so heartbreaking and brutal

    i love that TSwizzle has a bunch of songs that are just so heart wrenching they’ll never be played again 

    I'll never understand the placement of that song in Lover's tracklisting

  12. 1 minute ago, The Stargirl Pinky said:

    Can someone catch me up on what’s happening I’m just sitting here lit and eating tacos :brigitte:

    Taylor brought Lana out as surprise guest at her concert tonight and they sang "Birds of a Feather" by Billie Eilish


  13. 8 minutes ago, taco truck said:

    Does anyone have the hq of the but daddy I love him cd cover?

    I don't think there is one. I just took a screenshot of the CD from Taylor's store. It's not the best quality but the cover is so small on iTunes it doesn't make much difference to me



  14. 6 minutes ago, Mer said:

    oooh do you have The Anthology as a separate album? I’ve debated doing that, I just don’t like the track order of TA on its own. 

    yeah I just have them separated like this


    (and changed all the anthology tracks to lowercase)

    i've had it like this ever since the album came out and it's made it so much easier for me to digest all 31 songs separated into clearly distinct halves

    I've thought about changing the tracklist numbers on the Anthology to start with 1, but I'm so used to see #1-31 now I just left it the way it is

  15. 2 minutes ago, DemonMic2003 said:

    Fr. This one to be exact…


    The Anthology separate release with a new song and two remixes when.

    I use this one in my itunes apple music :flutter: (and the but daddy acoustic version cd cover for the first half)

  16. 1 minute ago, Surf Noir said:


    we shall be thankful that lana just drops the album as it is, for what it is, and goes on with her life :true: she's too unbothered to play into any of these ridiculous and embarrassing popularity or industry games and we love her for it

    Lana probably doesn't even know what color all her vinyl variants are each album cycle

    I can hear her now: "there's more than one?"

  17. I can imagine Billboard changing their rules to something like:

    -for purposes of charts, only sales from one standard tracklist + sales from 1-2 alternate tracklists count towards chart position. (total sales from all variant tracklists if there are more would still be reported, these just won't count towards chart position)

    -for sales of any additional alternate tracklists to count for chart position, it needs to be released a certain amount of time after the initial release date (like six months or something)

    This would definitely put an end to this nonsense



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