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rosemead ramada

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Posts posted by rosemead ramada

  1. K I made a map of all the US states she's had a tour stop in and I've come up with this:



    She's also been to South Carolina (she performed Margaret there recently)

    There's no way she hasn't been to Vermont having grown up in Lake Placid, and I'd say she's probably been to NH, RI, and Maine.... Delaware she's probably at some point driven through

    I think she's been to Utah

    The other states Idk



  2. 1 hour ago, emilianomoon said:

    babe do you have a pic of the back part, just for me to see the sticker??? 

    I doubt the different sticker sizes really matters that much, but for what it's worth mine is the smaller size sticker


  3. 54 minutes ago, Olympia said:


    My first thought reading this: OMG, another vinyl? Please not! 



    Glad it was just the one I preordered already, lol. 


    The German Release date is July 7 though, will it be released earlier in the US? 

    Hahha if they put out a new variant I would be so annoyed.... but also buy it :lmao:


    I never got any emails about there being a delay... I think the UK store sent some, but not the US store... but I assume it's July 7th everywhere even though I never got an email... but June 23 or July 7, either way it's so soon!!

  4. 9 minutes ago, kilosdlrey said:

    😭people are making me feel so bad when I felt like we all who didn’t even get the chance to get it a few days ago, got a second chance so we all jumped at the opportunity. I didn’t want four, I just wanted two one to play and one for display. the other two now are extra, so I’m going to give them away and have two people just pay for shipping 🥹 I know there’s probably other stans who got way more than four but I somehow am being made to feel small. I’m going to gift two people I feel like the least I can do because I don’t need four lol. thank you for this reply I laughed 🩵🥹

    It's really not that big of deal. It wasn't clear from your post that you had panic-bought 2 more from the UK and accidentally ended up with 4. But given how much of a target Lana's merch is for resellers, anyone bragging how they "bought four" of a record is pretty much going to be assumed to be a reseller. I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions but 99% of the time people are only purposely buying 4 with the goal to make themselves a profit at the expense of others. If you really feel that guilty about it you can always cancel your extra order and allow people who haven't been able to, a chance to order their own, there isn't a need to do a giveaway even if that's a nice idea.

  5. 1 minute ago, nectarofthegodss said:

    He got it from the UK sites or its the same for all of her online stores?


    Yes, it should post right away. I've ordered things from the UK site too, so I assume it's like that on all the other stores.


    1 minute ago, LifeOnMars said:

    Interesting. I received an order confirmation yesterday from the US store but they haven’t charged me yet. 

    It takes several days for transactions to post to accounts. You should see it in your pending transactions

  6. 5 minutes ago, nectarofthegodss said:

    I have a question from a friend of mine but I’m not quite sure about it, when you preorder but the credit card expires before the item is shipped, is the preorder still valid or not and is there a way to change the credit card info once they obtain a new credit card?

    if anyone knows it’d be very helpful! :wub:
    Edit: its ofc the preorder from the lana store and uv repress in question also 

    Interscope's stores post charges when you place your order, not when the items ship out. So even if the credit card expires, by the time September comes around, the charge will have already been posted and paid for, so it won't matter

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