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Everything posted by mkultraviolence

  1. spotify playing in my feelings followed by WTWWAWWKD hit different right now
  2. methinks the chiken lovely
  3. I'd like to add that I still stan Lana, I just reposted cause I thought this was funny
  4. babe, there was 200+ earlier
  5. this isn't the end of her making music, but it seems like it's the end of her interacting closely with fans
  6. she's got Ben and Ed locked in her basement
  7. someone commented "sorry for your loss" i-
  8. who the fuck is the couple that she just posted
  9. yeah this is bothering me too. it's starting to be just as messy as the start of NFR era. I CANNOT go through another NFR pre-release thread.
  10. queen is living in 1929 wbk
  11. where was the lana reference
  12. just saw a meme account on insta post on their story "does Lana have cankles?" and then they did a poll and 65% voted yes omg
  13. https://imgur.com/a/FdhU1us#danObdm all receipts here ^
  14. I wouldn't say those songs are misogynistic, but I def think she has some internalized misogyny. Maybe the reason why she has victim-blamed herself before is because she's so used to be put in that victim situation (I'm thinking similarly to the comic book hero saving the girl, some rando saving the princess)
  15. mkultraviolence

    Song vs. Song

    next to me vs playground
  16. I think something good that has come from this is that we've had awesome discussion where we brought up important issues. It has been really, idk concerning and disheartening reading a lot of people's posts (thank you for dismissing valid discussion with the dozen of posts saying we are lacking reading comprehension skills), but I hope this can open up a place for more conversation about women in the music industry and artistic freedom.
  17. so what are we gonna get angry about tomorrow
  18. i was singing it all day yesterday. strangely enough, i haven't listened to any music today from any artist. partly because i've been sleeping a lot, but also because i'm trying to focus on all this shit that's happening that i don't know if i'll be able to concentrate with moi je joue playing in the background
  19. a good day to stream brooklyn baby
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