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Everything posted by yayoop

  1. yayoop

    Song vs. Song

    Back to tha Basics Back to tha Basics vs. Serial Killer
  2. It's interesting cause I was collecting music to play at my christmas party (Nov2011) and someone sent me "Video Games" and so i watched the Youtube video and was like .. "What the fuck is this shit?" and turned it off. And so then i went away on holidays and one day i saw Katy Perry tweet about this Lana Del Rey person, in March or February? about the Born to Die album and so then i was like "may as well see what it's like" i watched the SNL performance and didn't think it was that awful. I saw that the album was like in a really good position on the charts so i decided to buy it! And then i got hooked... My first love was Diet Mountain Dew. And now here I am .. not even a year later, obsessed with a unhealthy passion. Hahha
  3. Lana should score films as well as write music for soundtracks (like Adele - Skyfall) And she should move back to New York City, write angry songs that are hip-hoppy with lots of rap. Hahha **one can dream
  4. My dad has this shirt! WHAT. It's mine now .. hahaha
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