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boom like that

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Posts posted by boom like that

  1. 38 minutes ago, DragonWhore said:

    Who said beachy vibe? Beachy waves are NOT a vibe. 

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    Jk it’s very beachy, but this time cold foggy Northern California beach vibes. 



    Northern California is like borderline northwest, which is where I grew up, so it'd be really cool if she made a soundscape that embodies the landscape and scenery of the NW/N Cali :oop:


    Thinking luscious fir's, freezing beaches, cloudy skies, fog, rain, all these vibes :oprah3: Of course thats closer to NW but that'd be dope af. Remember that one fake song title Sequoia and Kings? would fit the vibe yea Ys2cxm7.gif

  2. 2 minutes ago, domandapiano said:

    The lilac heaven line is one of the best on BB, no questions. She seems to really strike a chord with critics when she makes references to technology like that (livestreams on in the greatest, iPad in hiadt…). It cleverly contextualizes the songs and make them more attached to the times in which they are released. I wouldn’t be surprised if whatever record we get next will have lots of little moments like this. 


    Honestly love the iPhone 11 lyric cause its so stupid and ridiculous LMAO it just works so perfectly especially being followed up with crypto forever screams your stupid boyfriend fuck you Kevin :eartha: Not sure how I feel about the iPad lyric though tbh, years later and its one of the few lines in hope that I don't like :um2:

  3. 7 hours ago, Thunder said:

    The selfish part of me wants LDR9 to be NFR/COCC part three, because it would finally send a message to those still holding on to dear life to Honeymoon and even Lust for Life that it may be time to move on to another artist. Or at least finally accept that Lana's path as an artist is diverging from where you expected it to be. After being disappointed in four albums in a row, I would get that same message and I would hope those individuals would too


    Whether it's bombastic or contemplative, I know that I'm going to love it. :true:


    6 hours ago, Thunder said:

    I don't think she's stagnating for one, and two, yeah I think it's kind of weird how people say "I haven't liked an album since 2015,  but i'm going to continue sitting on Lana Boards Dot Com every day and scream into the void of a message board she doesn't even read of how disappointed i am and how i hope she changes" and after not enjoying FOUR ALBUMS IN A ROW I would move on from an artist instead of living in nostalgia land, so.. next question? 


    if what i said doesn't apply to you, then there's no reason to get so defensive with stupid mocking tones

    I mean honestly I don't necessarily disagree with you, its just your tone.


    2 hours ago, Offtotheraces01 said:

    No really cuz blue banisters is a really deeply emotional album about healing obviously and a lot of yall skip over that cuz its “boring” like i whole heartedly related to almost every song on that album and bawled my eyes out. I recall one of her insta posts right before bb came out where she explained this album was her story and wheres shes been and wheres she at now. If i remember correctly, she had some vague references to aa. The music is deeper then a lot of you think 


    54 minutes ago, xxmissdaytonaxx said:

    stop slandering rob, the nicest old man ever with a lot of musical talent. and stop slandering BB, her best album since Honeymoon. with the power of drew, rob, and possibly jack, LDR9 will be an iconic album. thank you for coming to my TED Talk. :oprah3:


    :true: All truths here, not a single lie to be seen!


    I'm actually pretty shocked BB is so disliked here, honestly I thought LB of all places would understand it best :madge:

  5. The lengths people go over music like girls.. granted when Lana is 6 months overdue for her yearly album people start rioting and throwing bitch fits so what do I expect for a situation like this 4cGFKT1.gif


    So much energy like damn.. and quickly skimming through these recent pages, seems to me that the loudest aren't even that big of fans of hers s2PmfTV.gif

  6. Album:

    fav: Honeymoon

    best: Honeymoon

    least fav: Lust For Life :oic2:

    worst: Lust For Life :oic2::oic2:

    (what a revolutionary list!)


    yea I'm not gonna bother choosing my favorite song out of her whole discography, cause you know fYuDe2p.jpg


    Could name you my favorite songs from album to album but thats not the assignment, so I'm just gonna submit a pic of grrm mooning the camera in the turn in bin. have fun with that RxDJZBg.gif


  7. 6 minutes ago, Niko Dealergo said:

    BOZ’s favorite song from BB was scrapped they better be working on it right now 

    Doesn't he like I Can Fly the best :eartha:


    DREW!! my prayers have been answered and the stars aligned :angie: LDR9 shining bright like a beacon oh I'm ready K2VU64y.jpg

  8. This album isn't coming for a while, but like last time i said that Lana posted her Arcadia announcement like 30 min later so



    Jack Jack Jack, still not over that, but you know what we got Rob this era so like :dua: I'm hoping for something passionate this album, Rob keeps saying beautiful songs which makes me think personal, moving, perhaps heart wrenching songs? jvVqQoX.gif Obviously some shit went down in San Fran, I mean the way she talked about it in LA Who Am I To Love You and has brushed upon the city.. if shes writing about it again she must still have some feelings shes feeling :ma: spill it, unleash the floodgates all over us mother. my fields are dry, parched, in need of matcha and coconut water. I need that sweet san fran emotional release to stew simmer soak and wade in ZEZD0HB.jpg

  9. AHHH i'm so excited fuck o2xdO2o.gif


    fucking bet, the reason why shes been taking so long is because shes perfecting and polishing the album into ascendence :slay: Miss Dollanganger I'm gonna need shirts, hoodies, 7 vinyl variants, atropa heart lockets I1nHqJf.gif

  10. Honeymoon and BB have a quality thats so lush gorgeous but slow that a lot of people unfortunately can't seem to appreciate in the moment, its not till later when you get another album with fire where people are like "oh, HM wasn't so bad!" ebohRRw.jpg


    I know we love fire, I love fire too! but calm your titties girls, we'll get another album that'll blow us out in time. Might aswell enjoy what we have now instead of appreciating it in 5 years :oprah3:

  11. I first listened after Pony came out. Not that big into country but I did find a few of his songs quite enjoyable, don't ever really listen to his music too often though :hoe:


    However will be listening to any new material Cjkzd9C.gif

  12. 1 hour ago, SoftwareUpgrade said:

    I never opened my UO Clarity record and now I'm too scared to, I should probably try to find the picture disc version....Kim press Era 1 on vinyl (gatefold with bonus tracks like Push x3 and DPOYH) along with a TOTL 1+2 repress :thankyou: AND CDs....also omg signed Artcard grift available from that UGH her horrid label

    Was on the fence with getting the clarity vinyl when it first dropped and now its gone :die: its especially when I could've gotten it for a low price that makes me not wanna spend a lot on a copy..


    held off on it the first time mostly cause of dr luke and that whole gross mess but i still do like clarity :flop: otherwise i would've snatched it right away ugh

  13. Laurel Hell is fucking great SNoC2OP.gif

    Some tracks though will have to grow on me, Should've Been Me and That's Our Lamp. Thats Our Lamp is a interesting song and I really really dont like it at all as the outro of the album, the abrupt ending of it especially. But other songs are already quickly growing on me like Working for the Knife and Stay Soft, WftK really hits too close with the lyrics :rollin: 

    Heat Lightning, There's Nothing Left For You Here, and I Guess are by far my favorites of the album. Excited to keep listening to miss Laurel, a full album hasn't wowed me for quite a while jvVqQoX.gif

  14. 27 minutes ago, OscarScheller said:

    Here me out:

    It's seems like with every album lana is teasing the next one with a speaific track that stands out with contrast in the album.

    For example:

    In UV, Old Money is reminiscent of Honeymoon.

    HBTB has that trap beat and cheeky lyrics that fit L4L.

    Change is like a step-sister to the last NFR! tracks

    Anyway, to me it feels like The Trio has this purpose.  This is why it feels so out of place, it was never meant to be a transition and "prepare" us to BBS, it's a clue for what's to come in LDR9. 

    I'm pretty sure The Trio is just a extension of Arcadia, they feel one in the same especially since she released it with the Arcadia mv plus the transition. Aside from that I think you're right.. you're onto something mister sir wscSd0s.jpg


    ldr9 produced by The Johnsons, her emo boy trap magnum opus:true: y'all aren't prepared :nails:

  15. 1 minute ago, prettywhenimhigh said:


    makes sense for some reason I thought you already had it in hand


    Nah they don't ship it out till mid february :rip:

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