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boom like that

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Posts posted by boom like that

  1. On 11/6/2022 at 7:21 AM, vitriolkisses said:

    I’m happy to hear there’s an album for those of you who have waited :party: I might use this as an opportunity to finally dive into her discog, I only really know a handful of songs (You’re so Cool is my favorite).

    Do y’all recommend going chronologically or doing the essentials first then working backwards?

    Observatory Mansions is my favorite, but NBL is the easiest to get into. I love her older stuff, it reminds me of lizzy grant laptop demos, if you're into that you'll surely like her first three albums. HSB is really amazing too but it can be a grower from person to person

  2. 15 hours ago, ChaoticLipster said:

    Can someone clarify that the album is backed up obviously on Jacks end and the studio? Because sky news just quoted’ The singer added that she was "confident" the book and the album will eventually be released, but that she does have to effectively "start over" with both projects.‘ 


    please tell me she doesn’t have to record the record again


    I really hope she doesn't rework the album if it's finished. Like unless if its for the better, but do we have any faith in that? :creep:

  3. Happy first b day to a gorgeous album, every listen is even more gorgeous than the last.. So lush and beautiful and honestly relatable in certain aspects even though its so specific and personal. A comfort in the sadness and vulnerability which makes you feel not alone is a good way to describe it. Also Arcadia is 1000% a instant classic you cannot tell me otherwise, I'm surprised she hadn't written a song like it before it is so completely Lana. Love this album to my core :heart:

  4. Trash Magic, Ben, Run Motorcycle, and Axl Rose Husband on AKA

    Prom Song Gone Wrong and Hollywoods Dead for BTD

    Hollywood for Paradise

    Dark City even though I haven't heard it :creep: Maybe Us Against The World, honestly theres so many good songs from UV sessions that really any of them could fit

    Fine China for Honeymoon and Crazy For You cause its obligatory :oprah3:

    LFL everything that was scrapped and scrap everything that wasn't scrapped (except the favs)

    NFR we really don't know any outtakes yet

    COCC Yes To Heaven

    BB Loved You Then and Now, Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd, and Fingertips final version


  5. 51 minutes ago, Voignamir said:

    from russian - princessa
    it's a song she put on soundcloud under Dark, you can listen to it here <3



    Oh wow omgg, thank youuuu

    It sounds really nice, what a serve Ys2cxm7.gif

  6. On 9/14/2022 at 3:42 PM, lanaismamom said:

    wonder if there are some born to die leaked outtakes with unleaked versions that have emile haynie's touch.... i mean in terms of sound i consider only TW in Black & White and French Restaurant as outtakes to released btd, i wonder how, for example, kinda outta luck or driving in cars with boys would sound with Emile Haynie.. 



    There are Damn You and Hollywood's Dead finals that Emile worked on that just haven't leaked yet. I'm sure there are more too

  7. Happy birthday to this beautifully gorgeous being. A day of celebration, a day of prayer. Honeymoon is more than an art, she breathes life. The pinnacle of LDR, she is the moment and the only moment since the beginnings of time. What a glorious day oh wow oh wow.. When I'm parched I let the energy sink in and I feel rejuvenated, revived, the power that this album has over me. Do not disturb me during these sacred hours cause I will be having this ethereal scripture on repeat for the next 24 hours :defeated:

  8. I really really liked Aislamiento LAX and Chiri


    I just wish LAX was longer and kept up that beautiful production in the end :defeated:


    La Kilié is gonna take time to grow on me I think, but really liked the new tracks :understand: Won't touch the remix ever

  9. On 6/26/2022 at 6:46 AM, Brightsun said:

    one of my favorite songs from the album is a song called " god turns me into a flower" it gives me Enya vibes :trisha:

    and a lot of songs are more then 6 minutes long :paris::air:


    @zombie girl bestie the tracklist is real :eartha::understand: 


    Also I was wrong about the "there being three interludes" its just "a few interludes" (according to info from previous pages) and one of them is the title track songs, I'm assuming Hearts Aglow, and I'm assuming theres only two interludes to keep with the tradition of 8 tracks- thats my truth SNoC2OP.gif


    Thank you @Brightsun :mariah:


  10. 4 minutes ago, zombie girl said:

    tracklist possibly leaked on genius, obviously genius isn’t a good source but i have seen a few instances when track lists have accurately leaked on there early somehow so:


    1. It’s Not Just Me, It’s Everybody

    2. Children of the Empire

    3. Grapevine

    4. God Turn Me Into a Flower

    5. Hearts Aglow

    6. And In the Darkness

    7. Twin Flame

    8. In Holy Flux

    9. The Worst Is Done

    10. A Given Thing


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    also i love natalie with my whole heart and i don’t mean this offensively at all but i really don’t think anyone would go out of their way to make a whole fake tracklist and put in the effort of uploading it on genius for an artist like weyes blood so something tells me it’s probably real



    Allegedly theres three interludes so if this is the full tracklist would that mean theres only seven songs? Maybe the interludes are within the tracks? That looks really believable too.. only 10 songs but Front Row only has 9 including Three Tears and Titanic Rising has 10 counting Titanic Risen so I guess its pretty standard

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