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boom like that

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Posts posted by boom like that

  1. 21 minutes ago, wildflowerwildfire said:

    her german store told me the signed cards will probably ship early december :cryney:


    2 minutes ago, Venice said:



    Signed art cards (USA, not mine). They can differ so much! So pretty. I'm so excited :ohno:


    Thanks for the replies!

    Um yea cause the person who I bought my signed art card from just shipped it to me and they are from spain I think :creep:


    Actually nvm they sent me a message saying they just had to update the status to shipped cause ebay would cancel it if they didn't ship it soon :air2::angie:

  2. 2 hours ago, Distantly said:

    Sure! Here you go!



    This is so gorgeous oh my god thank you for sharing your pics v7HEmyu.jpg:angie: this is so beautiful wow oh wow.. I don't think i'm upset about not having a blue vinyl this era anymore wscSd0s.jpgVlqyIjg.jpg (although it would be gladly welcomed with the smiling cover especially LP5M9LX.jpg )

  3. 1 hour ago, athena said:

    Caved and ordered the cum vinyl from the australian store. shipping was $22 to new zealand but whatever yasss :flutter:


    I caved and bought from the Canadian store gojVtut.gif So strange they never wait this long to "restock" the vinyls.. makes me wonder if they will ever restock :monicker:

  4. 5 minutes ago, athena said:

    might order the cum vinyl tbh since i love the standard cover most and dont really like red vinyl for this album (the album doesnt feel red ya know?) :dua:


    My exact thoughts, the red is actually quite cute but just doesn't fit for this album at all also like I have like 50 different red vinyls :creep:

    The cum white is actually soooo gorgeous I honestly think its the best one :true: I do wish we did get a blue this era though, it would've really captured the mood 851838115920216094.png?size=128

  5. 23 hours ago, lanabanana11 said:

    QUESTION(s) regarding the vinyls: Does anyone know the exact number of GREY and CLEAR vinyls left in her US shop (which i believe is only the village selling them currently?)

    SECOND, which standard cover vinyl do yall think best fits the album? because in the past, we only got one color pretty much for each standard cover, and each color really fit the album well (red HM, coke bottle LFL, blue NFR, all very rare current day) but now we have a GREY/CLEAR/BEIGE/YELLOW/GREEN chemtrails, which one do you think will be the rarest and best fitting color to match the album


    I would think the green could be quite rare because it was the most expensive vinyl and people usually sleep on the UO versions until they are not available anymore. Grey is objectively the "rarest" color vinyl because they made so little of them cause its grey but I don't really know if it'll be popular in the future since it is grey :flop: The upcoming RSD cobalt I definitely think it'll be quite rare. I feel like since the yellow is everywhere and still everywhere it won't be that rare, clear and yellow both they made a fuckton of. But honestly I don't really know which will be the "rarest" because its always random. Almost every vinyl from Lana becomes very sought after and expensive in the future after you can't buy them anymore so all the variants will probably be pretty expensive in the future. NFR just came out like what 2 years ago and its already over 100 dollars for all three variants.


    Also theres the consideration that COCC wasn't really that popular, especially with the GP. So who knows how sought after these vinyls will be in the future.

  6. Went to UO in person and grabbed a sage green vinyl and only got it for 19.99 gojVtut.gif I did what I've been wanting to do for a long time and put the green in the alt cover's sleeve and it is GORGEOUS like it is literally meant to be :omg: I'm so happy with it and its so stunning but the fact that I'm still getting the blue next month too LMAO I'll literally have 3 copies, I'm ridiculous 4cGFKT1.gif Also don't know what I'm gonna do with my red vinyl, I stuck it in the og standard cover sleeve that the UO green came with sdjfkjsdfjhdf Like I can't sell it so I guess I could give it to someone in the future or something, a unwanted gift really I hope they don't take offense ebohRRw.jpg


    18 hours ago, ChaoticLipster said:

    Your willpower scares me



    17 hours ago, Terrence Loves Me said:

    oh my god queen you're doing better than me this era! i caved and listened to the three singles (bb,tb, ww) back in July, i regret it so much now though :crai: you're in for a treat! i almost listened to arcadia the other night while drunk though but managed to pull myself together

    I almost caved and was gonna listen to all three of the singles in July cause people kept saying how meh and bad the singles and era was. But after listening to BB.. wow the experience jvVqQoX.gif And people were saying it was the worst one like, after hearing such a masterpiece I knew this era was worth the wait and surprise. :true: I'm so glad I've waited, this era really is going to be top tier Lana at her best :gurl:

  8. Not really keeping up much here cause I'm staying pretty much completely spoiler free for BB, I haven't even listened to Text Book Wildflower Wildfire or Arcadia yet JHXbZow.gif


    I KNOW I'm gonna be the biggest Violets For Roses stan she is literally calling my name, cooing at me :oprah3:jvVqQoX.gif I'm so fucking excited I can't believe were almost a week away I honestly genuinely think this will be one of my favorite Lana albums ever BAfuM25.jpg

  9. Just now, Thoth said:

    The strange thing is my request was neither accepted nor denied. It was still saying "requested".

    Mine was denied and I had to rerequest even though I literally never unrequested. I was confused and upset :oprah3:

  10. 2 hours ago, rightofjupiter said:


    when an account is private you have to manually approve anyone who has requested to follow you (it doesn't happen automatically)

    Actually when you go from being private to public it automatically accepts every follow. But I guess since she must've had hundreds of thousands of requests that when she went public and privated again Instagram must've shit itself :creep: denying most of the requests and only accepting a small few and thats why some people got accepted and most didn't, thats my theory anyway :rollin: Its either that or Lana literally denied every request LMAO


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