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boom like that

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Posts posted by boom like that

  1. 2 minutes ago, Thunder Corpse said:

    The NFR one? But that one only had songs we already heard + the NFR! snippet from her insta ....

    I think the best one was HM, it was so visually pleasing and the transition between the songs was soooooo good

    I wasn't following her enough when the HM one dropped unfortunately :defeated: NFR was probably my first era where I really kept up with her and lived with the prerelease era hype. Before that I just listened to all her music without the prerelease meltdoens :rip:

  2. 10 minutes ago, Thunder Corpse said:

    At this point I'd rather have an album sampler/ an album trailer with snippets than a new single. A few short teases on how some tracks may sound, the speculation on how they will evolve beyond the snippet ... that would be much more exciting. The album trailers for UV & HM and the leaked preview-snippets for UV & NFR were such a treat

    The NFR trailer actually made me cry :deadbanana::deadbanana: I think we need to at least have a album trailer this era, it'll feel so incomplete without one :defeated: It'll also be strange if this is the one era that doesn't get a trailer since it really needs the promo :rip:

  3. So I'm gonna spill, so I had a conversation with Eclipse last week about the album and he confirmed to me that the "secret" outtake other than Dealer doesn't exist. Apparently Dealer is the only outtake from COCC that the gays as of now currently know of. Want to clarify that because I was one of the girls who clung to that one piece of misinformation and made several posts about. Apparently the gays also have the entire album including Dealer and Yosemite.

  4. 1 hour ago, electra said:


    i don't think entire languages can be appropriated like that. the japanese also tend to be very appreciative of representation of their culture, unlike a lot of other cultures. japanese is also extremely commonly used in graphic design simply because the language looks lovely. i've definitely seen a lot of things in japanese for the sake of it. heck, i've done it in my own videos games with cityscapes. japanese is one of the very few languages that i believe is just used in graphic design for the sake of it, maybe next to english itself.

    I mean yeah I can get that, but it still feels weird to me because I'm Japanese myself and its like a weird mixture of feelings if you can get that lol. Especially when theres profit to be made out of it and its incorrect/improper :bebe:

  5. 12 minutes ago, Dominikx4 said:

    theres no specific japanese vinyl pressings for most releases these days. Most of the vinyl records sold in Japan are EU/US imports


    11 minutes ago, Clampigirl said:

    I was looking through Amazon JP and some other Japanese webshop and I couldn't find  COCC album with Japanese obi/paper slip on the picture examples, so I don't know what it'll look like when it's for sale. I highly doubt this version will be sold in Japan though since the translation is off.

    Edit. What Dominik said.

    I'm not very familiar with the whole process so excuse my ignorance on stuff like this. I just kinda had a feeling it was being sold and using the language as an aesthetic purpose which doesn't sit right with me. But the lack of information can't confirm nor deny that so I'll just hope its Japanese owned because it doesn't seem to be released as a Japanese product in Japan like what @Clampigirl said.


    11 minutes ago, electra said:


    probably not, as i said the company just seem to be quite weeb-y but idk. maybe they are japanese owned (or maybe a british person with japanese ancestry or heritage) and just based in the UK (which would make sense).

    Yeah if its like being run and owned by people with Japanese ancestry then thats completely fine. Like I don't want to be that girl, but it did raise some questions for me :oprah:

  6. 8 minutes ago, electra said:

    it seems uk? when i checked out it told me about a bunch of scottish stores near me (dundee and edinburgh) but i've never even heard of this brand.


    I'm looking to and I'm not really finding any info on it, on the store in general. I would hope that it is Japanese owned though, because if not.. :azealia: I just assumed that this was a Japanese edition that was like being sold in Japan that everyone jumped the gun on because it was numbered and exclusive and stuff. Is it even being sold in Japan?

  7. 10 minutes ago, Thunder Corpse said:

    A single close to release makes sense promo-wise, but not when it was proceeded  by over 2 months of nothing.

    Even if its been two months it still makes the most sense to release it a week before. Releasing it weeks before would've meant three weeks of silence leading up to the release pretty much. The buzz will be more effective closer to the release date regardless of two months of silence before the single. Plus shes been teasing the song so its not like its been that dead. If I was a casual and I heard Lana just released a single and a album out the week after it'd interest me more than a three week gap, the three week gap would turn me off probably.

  8. From a promotional standpoint, releasing White Dress a week before the album makes complete sense. Releasing it then will give everyone enough time to digest the song by itself without it getting too stale when the albums out because it'll only be a week gap. Not only that but it'll catch the attention of the gp and gain hype for the album, "New single by Lana Del Rey, album out next week." Whereas "new single out, album out in three weeks" will definitely lose the attention of the gp from the single when the albums out, three weeks is close to a month. Considering how stripped down this era is, its already hard enough to gain traction. It makes complete sense to release it on the 12th, the best option really :oprah3: I could see it out this week though. Two weeks isn't that far so its a pretty good time aswell :oic3:

  9. Listening to LMLYLAW is so comforting now that we've had it for months :krylie: It feels so familiar and fun jiving with it. It brings me back to the late autumn early winter from when it came out :dance: Giving us that time to let it grow really is gonna make us love the album a lot more. So glad it came out as a single first instead of being an album song, we'd definitely would've looked over it 100% :oprah3:

  10. 3 minutes ago, honeybadger said:


    even her explicit albums really don't have that many explicit songs... LFL and NFR have the most w 6, UV has 4, paradise has 3, BTD and HM have 1. also i can't remember but there's either no or very few explicit songs on AKA. so i'd agree that being less explicit doesn't mean being more mainstream or less authentic 


    also i'm pretty sure florida kilos, which is just CHOCK full of non family friendly content, isn't explicit... so not being explicit doesn't necessarily mean she's family friendly :thumb:

    The fact that Brooklyn Baby is one of the four explicit songs on UV when its one of the more friendlier songs on the album makes it clear, not explicit =/= mainstream/catering towards the gp :rip:


    But yeah I wouldn't be worried about this album being "mainstream" especially when Lana stated that its a fight for her to listen to the album, Mojo magazine also calling it a personal album :gurl:

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