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boom like that

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Posts posted by boom like that

  1. 52 minutes ago, Dragon said:

    originally was opting for the pearl idea that i've been sprinkling thruout the pre-release. but idk for me, it the subdued green just matches the original cover for me. i listened to the l*ak and it's what clicks w me the most personally. the cover reminds me of a rainy day w the color scheme, the green like land below. that and a newspaper and money color scheme. 

    the yellow sort of feels a bit gimmicky, the cream might've been a good choice, but the colors sort of clash together overall. wish the alt cover had a blue back cover to sort of properly contrast w the bright red to give it a smoother overall image in the mind, which, can be a shame bc of how dreamy-oriented the front cover already looks. it's like having an outfit on with five different colors, which, could definitely be pulled off, but the proportions of them just make the image of the vinyl a bit clunkier than something artful and more slick looking. the official store grey seems a bit saturated, and the clear is actually pretty beautiful to just think about. 

    still got the vinyls of course, but I guess, maybe it's just me personally, I like purchasing things that would compliment each other, add to a space cohesively and reflect what I like. even eccentric looking things can be amazing if the execution's great. I'm just not as in love w the photos we got of the alt version looking a bit thematically neglected. 

    I ranted! The subdued color of the black and white, forming an overall gray, has a calming effect, especially when paired with another muted green. it's perfect to think about a cloudy, rainy soundscape, reminds me of something similar to a wallet and money inside, totally compliments my overall vision of White Dress, and matures, compliments the imagery of the overall feel of the record for me. hope that helps!  

    If the green is pretty I could see the alt cover going well with it. Now that we know the back cover is the same, the middle sticker shouldn't clash with the alt cover as much. Still would look more polished if the middle stickers were the one on the red on the green but oh well. But unless the green is gorgeous, I probably won't get it.

  2. 25 minutes ago, Clampigirl said:

    I’ve heard Lucy!

    :gasp: Lucy is such a nice song :wub: 


    I think my favorites are Cooks, Wolfcat, Habit, and Rocky but I pretty much like all his singles :hooker: Hes definitely grown and become a lot more polished since he first started, but his older stuff is still close to my heart. His album has completely new songs and isn't connected to his singles so thats exciting! It was supposed to be released at the beginning of this year "top of the year" but I think, I think he broke his leg? so its delayed now :defeated: But I'm excited to hear it, I'm hoping he presses it on vinyl and they look chaotic and trippy like his single artworks

  3. Using the same back cover is so lazy to me. I don't mind the look of it really but its very mismatched. I'll 100% take the alt cover over the standard but using the same back cover for both is just like.. you can't even do the bare minimum? :creep: I would've loved if they used one of the photos from the Yosemite shoot, maybe the litho pic? Or the other outtakes from the alt cover shoot like the one with Chuck and Charlie. Don't mind that theres no gatefold because they feel a tad clunky and the gatefold probably would've been the same as the standard cover. The red vinyl doesn't make much sense with the rest of the packaging revealed, if it was like a glowy white it could've worked better. Maybe the pearlescent? :oopna: Or a light baby blue or a deep malibu :gasp: Still excited to see the whole packaging when it arrives to me

  4. WeB76UB.jpg


    Still Woozy is a artist/songwriter who produces all his own songs. His music is interesting, I don't really know how to describe it other than I find it addicting and unique, but NME described his style as "psychedelic bedroom-pop". He currently only has a compilation of singles but has a new album coming out who knows when soon :smile4: I love his music and have been listening to him since late 2018, you guys should try him out :dance:


    Heres some songs to check out:

    Goodie Bag





    Cooks (My personal favorite)






    Rocky - His newest single!







  5. Spoiler

    I always envisioned Yosemite to be like a bright sunny morning with rainbows from the mist from the waterfalls and just a quiet heavenly atmosphere. Its so weird how it almost feels the opposite to that, it feels so eerie and ominous. Its like the Neil Krug album cover, a cloudy misty morning right before the sun rises. The bridge also gives me late night in a cabin deep in the wilderness vibes. Its so fucking cool and I love that so much, what an ethereal song. :legend:


  6. 9 minutes ago, littleredpartydress said:
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    he said he was typing his thoughts like 8 hours ago


    there is a 50/50 chance that he is still writing in my opinion :trisha:



    Gonna be like what you think is a corpse lying on the ground and then 17 hours later it suddenly jumps up, becoming animate, and just screaming at the top of its lungs with an essay of words that'll burn into your soul


  7. Just now, Fart Deco said:

    Does anyone remember the video Lana and her staff/siblings were shooting in a barn? I can't exactly remember when, I think it was mid-september... do you think it was for the album or for someone/something else, totally unrelated to COCC?

    I remember this vintage microphone at the center of a gloomy barn with sunlight filtering through the cracks in the walls :eartha2:

    Was it a fever dream?

    I think that was for one of Chucks friends :deadbanana:

  8. Spoiler

    So my number one gripe is the fact that Not All Who Wander Are Lost has NO organs whatsoever :oprah2: Honestly was the biggest disappointment I honestly thought I got trolled and someone made it up on here but I checked and it is listed. Still love love love it, BUT I have a sneaking suspicion that it was done more last minute and the physicals got a demo version without organs kinda like FIILY :tommy: Its a big "if" but you cannot tell me theres an organ in that song because its actually nonexistent


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