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Posts posted by lola

  1. lol bye if u wanna have an album full of Elvis and shit like that :bye2:


    Lana needs someone to make what she wants come true and tbh he's very good.

    lol bye if u wanna have an album full of Elvis and shit like that

    bye if u wanna have an album full of Elvis and shit like

    if u wanna have an album full of Elvis and shit

    u wanna have an album full of Elvis and shit

    wanna have an album full of Elvis and shit

    have an album full of Elvis and shit

    an album full of Elvis and shit

    album full of Elvis and shit

    full of Elvis and shit

    of Elvis and shit

    Elvis and shit





  2. I'm gonna reference this interview by Iggy : 


    some rappers are just too cliché, too cheesy, "too many tattoos, too many gold chains, too much "I'm gonna pop these bottles" and 'I'm gonna rap in front of a graffiti wall " "

    That video isn't available in my country but does it say/are you saying that Iggy doesn't talk about that kind of stuff? I like some of her music but she's rapped about all of that cliché hip hop stuff since she first started.

  3. This really isn't one of my favourite Lana songs but I love the ending when she says "you say take it off, take it off", sounds really shocked and the instrumental stops for a bit. And it's even better in the video. She looks really creepy with those white lashes, I don't know what she was thinking but she looks cute in that nightgown. Even though I don't love it I think it's good it's on the album, it's the most ~surf noir~ of all the songs I think.

  4. My favorite tracks on BTD are produced by Emile Haynie, his songs are the strongest. It's what made Lana so unique and recognizable and considering what she keeps telling everyone is the guy that manages to fulfill her visions. 

    Stop with the hating  I don't want Black Beauty 2.0 

    Well every song besides Video Games is produced by Emile so that isn't saying much. And isn't the person who manages to fulfill her visions Anthony Mandler? Black Beauty is beautiful.

  5. Anyway...what always happens. Singers came on the world stage with a character, they got love, attention, fame and then they reject producers who "gave them life" and made them famous. And what happens? They "flop"


    Why? Because they experiment with basic producers...


    So...I think that Dan can't make her that powerful hit song...


    This is NOT hate, just my opinion.


    I'm still waiting Kill Kill with loon. Evil wants me dead because of this I know that  :toofunny:

    But Emile had nothing to do with Video Games. And Emile needs to stay away from David Kahne's beautiful work.


    pls lana pls


  6. Honestly, I'm still quite unsure what Ultraviolence will sound like. I think there will be less Beauty Queen/Gangster songs like there were on BTD. However, I can imagine that we will still get some religion related ones (Tropico seems to play an important role in her life, but on the other hand you can rarely find many more religious references in older songs, so maybe it was just the Paradise era) and also a lot of love songs for Barrie. No matter what I don't think the album is going to sound happier and a sadcore tone will reign.

    I think she said she's more spiritual than religious. Like, she believes in god but I wouldn't say she's necessarily Christian or Catholic even though she may have been raised Catholic. I think the Adam & Eve story line were just something she used to tell her own story.

  7. Also, a title like "Paradise Lost" seems like it closes out Paradise nicely and sets a tone.  The old is gone and this is dark and violent.  It's also kind of "beginner's pretentious" literature which, no offense, Lana would be into.  Like Howl or I Sing the Body Electric.  She pulls from pretty accessible literary classics that people read in high school is what I mean be "beginner's prentention", I guess.  Bad choice of words but there you go.

    But Paradise and Tropico were about paradise lost.

  8. I'm kind of hoping she'll put the past behind her with this album and stop singing about boyfriends from ten years ago, maybe sing about Barrie, the backlash she received, fame, life in L.A., stuff like that. I mean it's a wonder how many songs she has gotten from singing about her experiences from 18 to like 25. I think I've said something like this before but whatever this thread is huge and idek when I said it.

  9. Wtf? It was leaked. It wasn't like she was MEANING for it to get out. She was probably never going to even release it, anyway. This is why I fucking hate most record labels... She needs to make her own or Avril Lavigne does (I'm a HUGE Avril fan... don't judge lmao) and they need to sign each other and collab and I would die. I would literally like, die lol I love them both more than any other music artist... <333 Anyway, Lana could do that after this album if she really wanted to, she's successful enough.

    it was a joke

  10. Did someone find out where her little Paradise Tour dresses were from? I need a little guidance on my ebay search lol

    i think there was a thread about her paradise tour outfits but i can't find it rn...

  11. Idk if this has been brought up yet but do you think Lana going into ~the light~ in two very similar white dresses in Born to Die and Tropico have something to do with one another? Maybe it's a way of ending the Born to Die era or she just happens to be talking about death in both songs so she choose to portray it the same way twice without any meaning behind it, maybe both Bel Air and Born to Die are about the same person?



  12. Right now I'm actually wondering about something that I never really realized. I know that alcohol is mentioned sometimes on BTD in songs like Carmen and This Is What Makes Us Girls and these deal with her teenage years. Lana says she stopped drinking when she was about 18. In OTTR it seems like her man is drinking ("black Cristal", "cognac") but maybe she does too ("Bacardi chasers") ?

    Also she is talking about "Riker's Island", so like already mentioned in the Lanalysis thread she could be talking about K and her younger years (she mentions Coney Island which is also used in Carmen for example, a song that probably describes her lifestyle when she was about 17).

    When I look at her writing style, I would say that it was written with the rest of the BTD album, which means that it isn't old. And of course she can still write a song about K today but....

    We assume that she dated him before the Sirens album, so she couldn't be older than 17. First of all, her parents sent her to a boarding school because of her alcohol addiction and I don't think they would let her go to Vegas just for fun and her school also wasn't in LA, right ? Furthermore she said she wasn't good at gambling but if the song talks about K, she wouldn't even been allowed to enter a casiono. Oh and she says she has a "Las Vegas past" but according to the interview this can't be true at all.


    haven't had a drink in seven years my ass

  13. I like Off to the Races a lot, it's one of my favourite songs on Born to Die, I think it's one of the best examples of Lana's "gangsta Nancy Sinatra/lolita lost in the hood" image. She's talking about crime and drugs in a very luxurious setting but in a gangster way. Like, her guy is drinking Cristal, wearing a gold chain and she mentions Vegas a few times. I like that she's not an innocent little girl being taken advantage of by a criminal but she has a bad past as well.


    I don't really like her using the "Light of my life, fire in my loins" line in this, just like I don't like her using "heavier than heavenly" in On Our Way, it just sounds like she's using phrases she read somewhere that she thought sounded nice and wanted to use herself, it kind of loses its meaning to me.


    The lyrics sounds fictional to me, like she wanted to write a story of how she wanted her life to be like, being in love with a gangster, being a beautiful badass, committing crimes while living at he Chateau Marmont. Maybe she was in a relationship with a small time criminal (like a drug dealer maybe) but I don't think it was nearly as bad as she says in the song.


    My favourite lines are "Swimming pool glimmering, darling / White bikini off with my red nail polish / Watch me in the swimming pool / Bright blue ripples / You sitting sipping on your black Cristal, yeah" because I love the imagery and I like how consistent she is with certain phrases like "glimmering by the swimming pool" among others.


    I also love "I love you forever, not maybe / You are my one true love / You are my one true love" because Lana's way of completely devoting herself to one man is something I like a lot about her. When she falls in love, she falls hard and she devotes all of her love to that person and she'd die for them and I don't see that too often (which is why Your Band Is All the Rage is one of my favourite songs by her, it talks about that exact thing). A lot of singers may write about hopelessly falling in love with one person and wanting to die for them and stuff like that because it sounds beautiful and makes them sound romantic but then they break up over the littlest thing (I think you know who I'm talking about....) but Lana's a ride or die, whether you fail or fly~

  14. to me

    damn you sounds like a song which should of been given to taylor swift....

    idk sounds like a lana song to me. and taylor hasn't said damn in a song since she was sixteen


    Remember how we used to escape for the summer

    Fireworks and sparklers would light up the black skies


    We were two kids living life on the run

    Like the american dream

    Baby, nothing to lose

    And we get messed up for fun

    We went too fast, too young


    Flowers in my hair and your breath smelled like whiskey

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