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Posts posted by DinahLee

  1. It reminds me of FMWUTTT, BTD and more... idk.


    Also it reminds me of the fake (?) instrumental someone posted on a thread few days ago saying it was on a pack and it was called like "BTD reject"


    Edit: I'm not even shook because I remember hating almost every promo single from every album and then loving everything later but... 

  2. I loved the Blondie song (Gravity).

    Can u guys give a little help with the best of her unreleased stuff? I need to get more music from Miss XCX

  3. I'd be much more interested in hearing TLIV live and acoustic than Vintage and Downtown (two of the worst songs on the album imo)


    The demo is a demo. TLIV finished, live, and acoustic is not the same thing as an unfinished piano demo.



    Watch the acoustic turn into a piano version of the song, that's what I'm saying.  :creep: And it's not that it would be bad, but the song is already all down while other songs like Downtown\Lifted probably won't be performed like that anytime soon.


    Anyway, Vintage won cuz only 2 hours left and unlikely that it will change  :creep:  :creep: mess but I guess it will be cute




    btw\changing a bit the subject, cute to see that we'll have acoustics for like half album 

    Old Habits Die Hard (Piano), That's so Us, Need You, Paper Love, Vintage....


    Also, she performed Casanova (acoustic with guitar) on her Brazilian free concert so.... :flutter:

  4. Until Sunrise is the Crybaby version of Night Mime, that's why the demo was never finished bc they scrapped it and took an entirely new approach for crybaby. It was then scrapped because the title and [new & old] lyrics differentiated too much from the final theme of CBBY  :)  :)


    That's cute tbh, I really loved Night Mime + Bombs on Monday when both leaked. (The later one felt really strong tbh, sad it was left out).

    Sometimes I get myself excited to see what she'll do for the next record. Cry Baby kinda aged like milk for me but when it came out I thought it was really awesome (+ I think her songwriting is really good sooo...)

  5. I wanna know who voted for True Love is Violent for the Acoustic set. Don't worry I just wanna talk and show u the demo  :creep:



    She's doing 3 songs, with the third one chose with a poll on her Twitter... I guess Vintage is winning now.

    I wanted Downtown...oh well.

    Guess it will be Paper Love\Need You\Vintage


    At least it isn't True Love is Violent  :toofunny:

  6. Allie wrote Bad Karma but eventually gave the song to Jorge Blanco is including it on his new album out soon




    Heavy Love should've been after TLIV /:

    the water theme matches so good


    Bad Karma was on the list that 24\7 had, right?

    omg hope it leaks someday











      Leland worked on this Newer one  :defeated:  :defeated:  :defeated:



    Rip she really re-worked the songs for CLXII then

    but tbh I'm kinda glad it was left out because... it's...cringe? :rip: :creep: LMAO


    I like the demo but it sound kinda "childish" idk


    About the titles, there are few that we knew long ago i guess like Party Over and Young Hearts... I think Party Over was like before "Allie x" or one of the first songs for the project, idk, but I remember reading it (probably here on this thread).




    Also about lyrics, was listening to When\How on the other night and the line "They say I'm too young to be alone and I'm too old to go back home" is so special... the whole song is gorgeous 

  7. so i was going through ACE and i found that there was 2 versions of TBT??


    theres one thts registered as To Better Times and then there's one under Better Times??? She could've re-worked it for CLXII given that the orig TBT is way before the CLXII sessions



    Also found a bunch of songs not listed anywhere else and i'll upload those titles in a sec


    It might be alternative titles but the same song, isn't it? Does it show up some info about writters\producers? that's the only way to find out if it's not  the same song I guess LOL


    But exciting to find new titles that we'll probably never hear  :creep: n

  8. Lifted lyrics are the worst  weakest of her career on the album, but I like the hook \ "All I want is to forget". It's not bad at all and I would give it a 7,5\8 at least  :creep:


    I also judged Downtown at first but right now the thing is hot  :creep:  :creep:  :creep:  :creep:  :creep:  :creep:

    True Love is Violent is really good too... I just wish the last Chorus was something more explosive or... idk. Intense? 



    Now 1 month til the iTunes rip of the thing and then... god knows  :toofunny:

  9. Is there anybody on here who already has their vinyl? Cause I'd love to see photos of the back cover, the lyric sheet etc. haha.  :creep:


    I think Allie Herself showed this before the first date of the tour... no?  :creep:


    Anyway Allie X Brasil posted pictures, I'll see if I find it


    Ok whatever it is, i need it.

    Is it emergency\you\dark magic\whatevertf these are called? Love it omg  :creep:  :creep:




    My fav version of Oh Chad came on the UNRELEASED disc, it sound different from the mixes from the last page (??). Is it a remake or what? LOL





    I love how some songs are way more "simple" but it's just so good. I Will Love You More\Oh Chad & few others...  :flutter:  :flutter:

  11. would it just kill her to post all those songs on her tumblr?? what harm would it do? it'll bring her more attention and spotlight honestly  :facepalm: all these snippets are such a buzzkill if she lets it keep happening 


    I think that, if she really "disliked" the final product, she just won't release it.

    I kinda understand it like, trying to get that vision, If there's a song that I didn't really like the "final result" for any reason, I wouldn't want it up anywhere. At same time, there's no reason to keep changing things and trying to fix it if it was def. left out of the record. It's just "wasting time + money".


    To short the whole thing up: People have these songs. It will leak sooner or later, but we can't expect her to do everything we want. 

  12. i'm kind of sad that i'll probably never heard the final of Alexandra


    Don't worry baaaaaaaaaby





    BTW random fact but listening to the snippet from the "final version" and the demo... the demo sounded way more produced than the "Final" since the Final sounded like few synths\piano without anything else while the demo had guitar\piano, synth and even a "drum" pattern...

    at the same time, the "final one" sound just like the live version from 2015... I don't think she recorded Alexandra demo before that live.


    What it all means? idk

    but more likely that the "final" Alexandra snippet might not be really the... final :creep:  reach

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