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Posts posted by DinahLee

  1. Listened to "The Altar" last year and didn't like it at all but Weaker Girl\Mother Earth\To The Hilt\Gemini Feed & Lovesick were incredible. 

    Suddenly got into Poltergeist & Haunt and... now I love the whole record with my actual fav being Trainwreck This is Not About Us is the "worst" forme.


    Now decided to try Goddess after hearing few songs and I love the whole thing too. Under the Table, Beggin' for Thread, And I drove you crazy... omg. Amen BANKS!


    I also love her visuals so much

  2. We still HAVE All The Rage, Too Much To Dream and the demos for Purge, Alexandra and Misbelieving, it's not like they'll disappear from spotify or your Itunes library because she did not put them on the EP. So cou can easily "make" it a 15 track album. The final version snippets of Misbelieving and Alexandra sounded ike bullsh*t and IF I were to complain about something it would be that we did not get more completely new tracks, but I think even that is useless.


    The only problem I have with her strategy is that she's taking SOOOO MUCH TIME ... 1 year of "Unsolved" with nothing much happening. And now she wants to wait until June to release the f*cking EP?!? Why?

    I also hate her for not putting Casanova on Itunes or at least Spotify.


    Exactly. And sooner or later these songs will leak, there are snippets around and yeah...


    I wonder why of "so much time" tho. I think part of the whole delay is because she's doing almost everything on her own... to produce the vinyls and everything, it takes time...

    I just thought of Gaga\Joanne, first the vinyls were supposed to come with the album in October but the whole thing was delayed for December... and she's "GAGA" so if even her vinyls get delayed... imagine the production of Allie X.


    The "Tour" before the album could be the way of getting the $$$ to promote it somehow (videos, promo...idk) and that would also explain...The whole unsolved thing was kinda messy but I think it was a project to "fans" happy with the different stages of the songs and stuff like that... I mean, people might hate All the Rage & Too Much To Dream but at least we got songs & videos to "pass the time"




    Wondering if Miss.X has any type of "Job" or if her music is enough to afford her life style  :diva: nn

  3. Decided to give the True Love is Violent demo another try and now... on repeat...I need help.

    I love the last chorus with the backing vocals "violent, violent" and I'm excited to see the final result tbh

  4. The casanova bridge (?) reminds me of Grimes so much :rip:

    The last chorus with the "YOU'RE NO CASAAAAAAANOOOOOOOOVAAAAAAAAAAA" scream is the best part of the song

  5. no bith i cant download it from there



    Rip gurl I'm still waiting for someone to put the download link somewhere LMAO

    Been listening in repeat on that player for now... mess

  6. okay i thought so

    and i guess they sped it up a bit cuz it's 10 seconds shorter


    Yes yes hahahahahah

    I ran for that link...rip.


    I think everything will end up leaking soon tho

  7. someone on here did say that the snippets werent final so i guess it was legit


    Yes! It's funny because it "sound" on the "same direction" but it's different. The snippets sounded way more generic I guess  :hooker:

  8. Dear X’s, ThanX for preordering my new record, COLLXTION II. I have spent two entire years waiting for this Xact moment. I have put my tears, guts and memories into this body of work, my first full length LP…. I made it for you. COLLXTION II will be released worldwide on May 5th, but don’t worry X’s. I’m not going to make you wait that long. Attached to this email is one of my favorite tracks off of COLLXTION II: Casanova. If you guys were following me during the Unsolved era, you might be familiar with the piano demo of this one. Consider it an Xclusive gift to fans like you who preordered my record. Note: this isn't the lead single... but that's coming soon. On a very serious note: for all the fans who have supported me over these two years – I am so grateful you have been with me on this vulnerable journey. ThanX so much for everything. Are you ready to take over the world together? #CLXII #FEELINGX PS: Post a screenshot of your COLLXTION II pre-order so I can send you some ❤❤❤❤❤.



    She's really cute I cannot hate this woman rip lmao

    but "May 5th..." 

    i have casanova if anyone wants it

    bought my cd copy lmao


    omg me pls can u pm or email or what?

  9. oh wow the website looks hot, tour announced and there are like 5 different packages to buy the album and get meet and greet


    edit: and the coolest thing is...





    Seems like we'll be getting gifs for... every song til the release...

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