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Posts posted by DinahLee




    Omg my saved url didn't have the "2" in the end


    Can't wait to be let down, Casanova and Simon Says sound like the only good ones.........No Purge? No Cure? NO MISBELIEVING NO ALEXANDRA?




    i stg this :) makes the stupidest decisions, TMTD EVEN GOT SCRAPPED. The only thing i agree with her scrapping the mess that is ATR.

    i'm so close to handing in my stan card unless 24/7 leaks everything we didn't get. We didn't even get the redone Sculpture or Chad Redux or Glam im so UPSET.


    Are we sure these really exist? :rip:

  2. 10 minutes and then more 4 months  :hdu:  

    COLLXTION I deluxe is only $6.99. Why is she making it $9 more for 2 more tracks???



    If anyone here is followed by bebe-rhexas-slave2 on Soundcloud message her and tell her to leak the full versions of Misbelieving, Alexandra, and whatever else she has. We deserve it.


    the account was deleted rip but waiting for the comeback

  3. Her officially announcing the EP and releasing Casanova I guess ... or hope, because if I don't get the track by that time I'm cross


    more likely tomorrow since it's friday\music release days...

    But praying for today  :sluttybunny:

  4. Not a big fan of her stuff after the first EP

    Did she released anything like singles, albums...?


    ...a playlist on spotify is the right answer...rip LMAO.


    But she had like Never Enough as a bonus from the EP and few promo singles for this new album but they're not on the final cut


    Too much To Dream



    All The Rage



    That's so Us (this will be on the album)


    The ONLY thing i'm afraid of is her trying to sound "trendy" on this and appeal more to radio. I'm STILL NOT OVER THOSE STUPID WHISTLES IN PAPER LOVE ugh.


    She asked her fans to request Old Habits Die Hard on the radio so... :rip:

    I think she'll get some "trendy" song in the middle, but not likely focused. She called That's so us a "BUBBLEGUM-POP-CATCHY-SONG" like she really believes in the song and it was the most commercial thing on the record so... I don't think there's anything "too hard"


    party over,love the garbage,not broken,im gonna tell my girlfriend,and to better times says hi from rejected top 40 try hard hell


    These are gold omg n

    Don't forget the bop "TAKE IT BACK" aka my fav unreleased because... wow. 



    Yet she kees the cringefest that is That's So Us 



    Amen that's so us  :kris:  :beyonce:  :OG:  :whip: n kidding


    I think OHDH just made the final cut because of the fan fuss around the song but I think she doesn't like it at all. It was the first\oldest song to be released, no video, first she was like "If u guys request the song on the radio, I'll keep it on the album" and then "If it gets 1m on Spotify I'll keep it"... she was searching a way of keeping the song out of the album n


    Vintage is the only song we have no idea of how it sounds, right?  :creep:

    excited for this one too

  6. i didnt know allie had a documetary



    I screamed


    will have a deluxe edition?


    I don't think so or it would have been "leaked" together with the "Standard" unless she's doing it later like the CLX I version, but CLX I turned into deluxe for the vinyl pressing, right now she's having the vinyl out already so...


    This is frustrating as :)... June 9th. We are in February. I'm legit pissed off lol she ruined my day


    Gives me "'FROOT" tease...................

    The fact she'll release it in june but like...we have snippets\demos from half tracklist...

  7. Honestly WTF is wrong with this girl, making us wait almost half a year for a :) 10-track "album"? 



    And not even including all songs from from CLX II Unsolved. SMH.





    Think about CLX III coming in 2019 with 12 tracks this time!!

    IT MEANS THAT WE'LL GET A CLX V in 2022 WITH 16 !!!!!1 n


    Wow the whole CLX thing will take such a...long time... to get into N.5.......

  8. oh shiiiiii I forgot about All the Rage!!! wow and she really promo'd that one hard (or tryed)... Well again- at least the album isn't just 10 songs we've already heard. PLUS i'm pretty sure a handful of people have finished studio versions of some of the Unsolved tracks, so like everything else from Allie they will eventually leak!


    I'm praying

    Come tru Bebe-Rexhas-Slave n


    I need that "Bodies" and all the other teased songs n

    I was thinking how I love the Misbeliving melody but that "final version" snippet sounded awkward...and Alexandra was like the first live in 2015 with that synth on the chorus and minimal production... PLS ALLIE I NEED THEM ALL

  9. honestly I'm shocked that Alexandra, Misbelieving and Purge all didn't make the cut but i'm just grateful we at least got the songs in some form!


    room for a few new songs is better I suppose!


    I'm really shocked about All the Rage & Too Much To Dream LOL

    The 99cents music videos...for nothing 


    Alexandra was the first song teased for the album and sounded really personal, I think it's strange how it's not on the final cut... I wonder how many "versions" of this album she had before getting this final.

  10. i bet my ass the album is coming out in june or something :crying:


    there's no way she'll have vinyls pressed any time sooner than june when they just finished mastering it last week







    I'm shookt that the whole thing was an...announcement for an announcement. 4 months with snippets from a hotline....at least we'll get casanova and I Hope it's good as the snippets were...


    At first I was sad about the Unsolved tracks but then I realized that everything will end up leaking, pretty sure it was said that it wouldn't leak before the album because they could be in the final cut......

    Waiting for Alexandra + Misbelieving...

    wtf btch where are sculpture, love me forever and cure that you've been teasing since forever?

    also i cant believe at the end she just gave us 10 songs on CLXII for real (4 of which we already have in some form)...she told us she was thinking about expanding it, i had hope :(



    she even teased tongue tied  :toofunny:

    then the music video leaked and I never eXpected thtat 


    I was curious for cure

    Sculpture & Love me Forever...not at all, but they're good songs too

  11. we could also be getting :


    OMG (Oh My God)



    and Debut


    I thought Debut was from CLXI and Sorry\Thief were the only "New songs" from 2016 or something. I love 'em all but I Think Debut is kinda cheesy and Oh MY God chorus lacks a little shine or something idk... but Sorry & Thief were true love for me rip

  12. Casanova sound so much like a standout in the middle... I really hope that snippet turn to be the final version.

    I didn't listen to Remember til rn because the link was down when I tried to check but it sound good.

  13. I like the lyrics "When Simons Says You're the best, I say yes, HA"

    and the title "True Love is Violent" is one of my favs ever too...I'm really interested about the lyrics right now

  14. i thought the track was Simon SAYS....? Also that snippet of TLIV could very well be the bridge so there's hope 





    Wut? is it Simon Simon? RIP 


    I cannot believe there's less than 24 hours for...something

  15. i get what you mean but like they have been out for so long and they are gonna be the exact same so can't you just add them into your album on iTunes if they aren't on the record? i rather have space for new songs or finished leaked/demo songs



    I don't see why that would be a huge problem since they've already been released. I just want new songs, or new versions of leaked demos (seriously I just want a full version of Oh My God or a 320kpbs version of Debut. What happened to bebe-rhexas-slave2 anyway?). I would've liked something else in place of OHDH since it wasn't part of the CLXU project.


    never thought this way

    I hope if they're out, the new songs are all good then n

  16. Pulled from the PopJustice forum, with TLIV added:



    I didn't see anything in that photo that says 10 track are mastering. But if it's true, I feel like Alexandra would take the last spot, since it was one of the last CLXU songs she had her fans choose from and since it's probably the most personal song to her. That would be a bummer because it means that Oh My God and Debut would never be released officially. Unless, she announces release dates for CLXII and CLXIII in which all of the other registered titles would be released.



    That's hot omg but maybe in 2019 rip 


    I think it will pass 10 songs... bet around 12 tbh so it will act as a "complete" album...

  17. Ok I tried to call the hotline but something went wrong LMAO


    Have u guys tried? True Love is Violent still the same or??


    I'm pretty scared because like 1 hour ago I was in the shower thinking about this song but I was totally sure it wouldn't make the final cut 

  18. This Simon Says snippet reminds me of some other song from her but sound interesting so far.


    For now tho:

    Need you ----------------> SS ------------------------------------------------------------> Paper Love

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