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house of balloons

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Everything posted by house of balloons

  1. just finished Brain on Fire: My Month of Madness, one of the best books I've ever read.
  2. experts are saying kiev will fall within the upcoming days
  3. Poland is setting up camps for fleeing ukrainians!
  4. i agree. considering how people were begging for the us to get involved in the ussr/afghanistan conflict, only for the us to take over it later on. i think it would be for the greater good that the us doesn't get involved.
  5. the united nations isn't a military alliance, the NATO is, and the ukraine is not a part of it. the us will get involved only if putin gets greedy and furthers the invasion to one of the bordering NATO countries.
  6. the reason a ukranian-russian war is more damaging to the world is purely economical. the ukraine is one of the biggest wheat producers and exporters in the world, alongside other resources, which will lead to inflation in importing countries, which is a large part o the world. same for gas, oil, etc. the barrel price is already at its highest since 2014, and gas prices are 60+ percent higher than they were before the war. investors are leaving the territory and stock market is going down. and considering how things are looking in china/taiwan, things aren't gonna get any better.
  7. awwwww poor putin aww he misses his dear empire toy that fell apart a long time ago awww i guess we just have to give him ukraine, the entire world even, maybe then he would no longer feel sad :(((
  8. i understand that you're not condoning the situation, but i just want to make it clear that being 'indistinguishably linked' to a land does not give you the right to invade it. this is the exact argument the zionists use to justify the israelian occupation.
  9. just because something has happened before doesn't mean it has to happen over and over again. colonizing a land is a crime against its people, it literally serves no greater purpose than to steal and kill.
  10. i'm more baffled by the 'personnel' that apparently works in the nuclear power plant do they just like...shovel nuclear waste?
  11. yeah. wheat and corn prices are already going up where i am. countries that rely on importation are fucked. + if china does truly invade taiwan, there'll be a supply chain shitfest in the us due to the chips manufacturers, stocks will keep going down and prices up, it'll snowball into a worldwide crisis.
  12. not to be that person but i don't think countries still give half a fuck about covid when war is at stake
  13. do you guys think the economical crisis will reach the-great-depression-level bad?
  14. i don't think so. they'll fuck russia over with negative press and a bunch of sanctions (probably economical) and that's it. if putin tries to further the invasion to a nato country, then that'll be a different story.
  15. oil prices are reaching an 8 years high and will keep rising past it, importing countries are fucked, global recovery is fucked.
  16. turkey (like every other country with interests) will only mention the distortion of peace when it's them in the line of fire. erdogan has been playing sides for years now to serve turkey's own interests, one moment he's an anti-war mediator (to further push the entry to eu agenda) and then one other moment you hear he's attacking Kurds with drones for gas.
  17. very well said. i've been also seeing a lot of people on reddit and twitter posting memes about the situation in the name of coping by the use of humor when in reality a coping mechanism isn't even applicable in this situation, not when you're not the victim of a war that will potentially leave hundreds of thousands of people dead, injured, and without homes. not to mention the inevitable economic crisis that has already started, a lot of countries that import wheat, corn, and oil have been going through major inflation (including my country) and people are already protesting and things could easily escalate to violence and even civil wars, coup d'état, etc. it's very damaging to belittle the situation while living in a safe country that'll probably go unaffected by making memes 'to cope'.
  18. they really think the russians will hold an emergency meeting like 'guys, we HAVE to ceasefire, user arianasdildo started a petition that has a million signatures'
  19. because china's military aircraft have been flying around taiwan's air zone for a while now, pretty sure they're on state of emergency right now
  20. i'm curious to know turkey's optics in this situation. it's a nato country but putin's russia has been applying a lot of pressure on erdogan, so mediation is kind of out of the equation(?). ukraine has also been urging turkey to close the detroits to block the black sea waterways to russian ships but turkey has yet to do any of that
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