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house of balloons

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Everything posted by house of balloons

  1. let's all say a prayer for this deaf user to gain back his hearing
  2. it feels weird logging in and not seeing the NFR pre-release thread
  3. Yes, I've also thought about it just few weeks ago while I was listening to 'A Little Death', I think soft rock (smoother guitar riffs than uv) will suit her voice perfectly.
  4. in the cock in the cock in the cockpit i'm your pilot teas, hope she recycles that lyric to pay tribute to her most iconic lyric
  5. music critics deserve rights this one (1) time
  6. okay so what's the color of the vinyl, i'm calling it right now, translucent white with flowery prints, the urban outfiters edition will be Red as it should be.
  7. jesus fucking christ i just fucking woke up to this oh well, another roller coaster ride ladies, let's stress out and obsess over anything and everything
  8. okay call me tasteless if you want but it must be said cinnamon girl obviously has the best production in the album, but the lyrics fail to impress me
  9. so is the chill version of fi,ily only available on the physical copy?
  10. not the biggest fan of hope but it's honestly the perfect closer to the album, the lyrics are very intimate
  11. already said this and i'm gonna say it again, my car's engine caught fire yesterday while listening to venice bitch
  12. there are horns during the chorus of California, they're overpowered by the other instruments and vocals but you can hear them if you focus, did lanz play them
  13. It reminds me of some kind of sea shanty, with the concept revolving around the boat and stuff
  14. y'all better fucking stream the album i swear to fucking god
  15. let's all say a prayer for chuck's photography and graphic design
  16. everyone who survived the banaloards earthquake and valerie hurricane is braver than all of the us marines and russian red army combined, this thread should go down in history as the greatest battle ever fought.
  17. let's just hope for another iconic and stressful pre release thread for an even more iconic album
  18. Okay listen girlies, we need to step up our witchcraft game and manifest a grammy award for our god mother, now that she's finally in her prime as an artist she deserves it more than ever.
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