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Everything posted by Masochism

  1. Masochism

    Selena Gomez

    didn't she say that star dance didn't count as a debut album? i remember reading around that she considered Revival the debut
  2. Masochism

    Selena Gomez

    this is the best one of em all i hope she releases it anyways
  3. Masochism

    Selena Gomez

    I love this era
  4. UASJBFBWAOFANGOEIAGIPEWGWNGWRE Today i'm having a meeting with Jesus
  5. Remember when she said Yosemite was her fav track? She scrapped it anyways. So do you really believe her saying she wants to do something with these 4 tracks???? Trust No One tattoo is alive and breathing, sweaty
  6. let's not mention Yosemite ever again please it makes me depressed.
  7. you're right too, but i got stronger BBABY vibes
  8. this would explain why she scrapped Yosemite & BAR for being too happy
  9. when Lana says Yosemite is her fav track from the record but then she scarps it
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