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Posts posted by Masochism

  1. at least marina doesnt use autotune lol

    as if autotune means "no talent" or it devalues your works. and it's also clear that charli doesn't use it to hide her voice or to pretend to be a vocalist, she uses autotune in an artistic way, so... bye.






    (idc if y'all are joking)

  2. Not this long ass paragraph coming from a Charli stan!

    at least charli serves quality music without being so pretentious about it, with lots of different productions and cool, new stuff. not just the same two instruments used on a loop on every song.

  3. She said she can’t say much about the movie but it fits with the album and the songs play throughout the film. And the music is better than Cry Baby and there’s a definite change in her music but for the better, and she told me some other stuff but honestly I promised I wouldn’t tell a soul and I genuinely won’t, but yeah, shook

    sure lol

  4. y’all are acting like 1999 succees came only from the angels? it’s clear that the gp is listening and making it big. our streams aren’t enough to make a song become an hit. that’s why ctmp shouldn’t be a single, it will flop. the angels like to pretend they’re streaming charli songs but we all know they LIE. i’d rather listen to something new than a song that’s been leaked for ages now.

  5. all these long paragraphs about froot.....y’all really are acting like it isn’t the worst thing she made? and i don’t care that sHe WrOtE iT aLl bY HerSeLf it’s still ugly and boring. thanks for coming to my ted talk.

  6. I’m currently in my script writing class in which we have some actors in to read our scripts so we can hear how they read. One of the actors is a woman who was introduced to us by my course leader saying her acting credits, the last of which being “just finished filming for an upcoming movie starring pop star MELANIE MARTINEZ” this woman has information! Probably heard new songs and everything, what do I do

    ask her...

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