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Posts posted by Masochism

  1. I was listening to Flume's 'Never Be Like You' yesterday and I'm desperate to hear her autotuned voice over those big instrumentals

    flume x charli needs to happen someday wtf

  2. i don't understand why she needs to be succesful to get an album release. like literally most of the singers on the same level of being famous like charli, can release whatever they want but not her.

  3. CTMP will do well if its promoted properly. GNO was never going to be a hit, and everyone who said that had no idea what they were talking about. GNO was too SOPHIE and too campy to ever become a hit, whereas CTMP doesnt have either of those barriers.

    it had potential in 2017, i don't think it will work now.

  4. Wow, the way you all talk about Come To My Party, ahaha. Yeah it's a fun song - but change the production and it's just a sucker outtake.


    You all said Girls Night Out needed a release and how iconic it would be and it's her best song and it would be a smash hit etc. And well we all know how that ended.

    this.... y'all act like cmtp will be a smash hit when in reality it will just flop like any other leaked/old song. we need NEW things, fresh stuff, like 1999. 

  5. i really hope no older, leaked, released tracks make it into the album. of course 1999 has to be on it but honestly: come to my party, no angel, gno, whatever, they can go at this point. 

  6. Chill girls, you are fighting for nothing


    Let me put this straight: I like Grimes and I stan for HANA ever since she started releasing music as Hana Pestle, but her HANA career is miles better. Do I like Poppy? well... she has some catchy songs but nothing memorable in my own opinion.


    Masochism only wrote in a very uncomplex manner that he prefers Poppy over HANA, that's it, it's HIS OWN OPINION. Please late bloomer act like someone of your age and accept that someone else has a different opinion that yours. I believe Poppy is a bad artist as she's a product of Titanic Sinclair and the result of many writers and producers so she's not better than HANA in any way (HANA's voice is way better, she writes and produces her own stuff) BUT THAT'S MY OPINION AND SHOULD BE RESPECTED just like Masochism gave his opinion and should be respected, not attacked.


    Let me put it in a very SIMPLE manner post by post:

    Masochism gave his opinion

    late bloomer have his opinion

    Masochism said he didn't care about the fact that HANA writes her own stuff and didn't care about the fact that Poppy is a shitty person as late bloomer stated

    - late bloomer INSULTED masochism saying he's toxic

    Masochism replied to the insult in a good way not offending back.

    late bloomer claimed Masochism "dragged" HANA when he only said "Poppy > HANA", that's it, he only gave his opinion.

    And after that it all went downhill.


    So chill guys, there's no need for fighting and worse: insulting.

    We are all entitled to our own opinion as long as it's a respectful one (no insulting). I fucking love HANA and I believe Poppy is a joke even though she has some pretty catchy stuff (Lowlife, Time's Up, Aristocrats, The Rapture Ball) so yeah, as a HANA stan and a Grimes supporter in this situation I'm pointing out that Masochism didn't start this as he only gave his opinion about Poppy being better and it's a valid statement as it is his own opinion.

     t h i s 



    i wasn't even trying to start some beef or drama, i just think that poppy could've made the song better, but as you said it's only my opinion and not a real fact. is it that hard to understand? thank you for explaining it to everybody else too.


    and to clarify: poppy isn't even one of my faves.... i just like her songs.

  7. Someone from Discord said they're leaking ptb in 5 days. They're trading it for something that they may also leak. The person played it for me & and a girl. They're not joking.

    no 1 cares 


    stream 1999 instead of wasting time on discord chats

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