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Posts posted by Masochism

  1. Technically the part about Poppy not writing her own songs is true, i can't name 1 song that she written all by herself that isn't something from Bubblebath or What if i

    yes, but this wasn't the point of what i said. i never disrespected hana by saying that she makes bad music/doesn't write her own songs and stuff. i was talking about what i would've liked more on we appreciate power, aka poppy's voice. i couldn't care less about her songwriting skills.

  2. Poppy was never on the song to begin with and I was also stating my opinion. Like I said, you can always share your Poppy love on the Poppy's thread. Idk why you have to drag Hana in the first place, when the girl is being accused of being a "replacement" by fans like you when she was just working with her friend. Poppy's cowriter was on that song, AKA the guy that writes the songs you guys fucking love so much. So take it up with him. This is my last reply to u.

    you are dumb, like really dumb.


    when did i drag hana? did i say she is bad or she's untalented or something? you dragged poppy by saying she doesn't write her music and stuff. all i did was saying that i would've preferred poppy on the track, since it seems that she was intended to be on it. 

    stream play destroy on spotify. 

  3. Then take it to Poppy's thread. Damn. Y'all are toxic people and belong with each other.

    shut up. aren't y'all talking about the poppy situation with grimes in here? i wasn't off topic, so please leave the me alone. 

    all i did was stating my opinion: i would've like poppy better in the song instead of hana. b y e. 

  4. What are everyones favorites? I’ve had a really hard time narrowing it down but I think mine are:

    It’s Not Living (If It’s Not With You)

    I Always Want to Die (Sometimes)

    Love It If We Made It

    Be My Mistake



    In that order

    mines are probably


    i couldn't be more in love

    i always wanna die

    i like america

    love it if we made it

  5. imagine not liking tommy cash's verse in delicious when it's basically an highlight moment on the mixtape, whew chile

    and we even have delicious demo to prove it, so these ARE FACTS.

  6. It's so good, the lyrics are incredible- but can someone pls link me to 4am, ive never heard it... is it going to be on the new album?

    it's a demo it was probably intended for the album. we don't know if it will make the final cut though. 

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