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Posts posted by Masochism

  1. Btw, I believe streaming/buying remixes count towards the originals positions on the charts so streaming the EASYFUN remix will help it chart!! So doooo it!!

    Also it's been A-Listed again for the next week by Radio 1 so it's doing well/11

    i support this message. the remix is amazing.  :bop:  :bop:  :bop:

  2. She has spoken about experiencing crippling anxiety.... She doesn't owe us music especially if she can't get it to a place where she is happy. Artists are different and she's said in the past that she looks up to musicians such a Fiona Apple, who release on their own terms, and not very often, but when they do it's always worth it. She's not in this for fans or money. You can't hold her to the standards of streaming acts who literally need to release all the time. 


    It's going to be worth the wait. I just think a little empathy from people would be nice to see.

    hm no i simply don't agree. it's her work to release music. anyways idc, i will be waiting like everyone else and that's it. she deserves all the memes and jokes for all i care.

  3. I listened to her during her Natalia Kills era (I even have the 2 albums on CD) but that was years ago, how's her material these days? Should I look into it or nah? 

    it is good, check the ep! but it's a lot different from her old style.

  4. Well I'm going to be optimistic, as I always am. I don't understand why people on the internet treat her as if she is doing all of this maliciously. She has expressed almost every delay that she can't explain why, but it's clear it's a mixture of outside forces (such as the label) + being her own worst enemy (perfectionism/anxiety/health issues)...


    She obviously has been working on music since 2014, she's had the title that long, Guardian was performed that year... we've heard snippets for many different songs. There has a been a sonic and thematic shift. It's been a process and there is material. It would be nice to get music on a more regular basis but that's just not the type of artist Sky has ever been (or even able to be). 


    Anyways, dragging her or posting the same jokes about date changes/the year the album will come out for billionth type like it's funny at this point just makes you look retarded. Loosen up, we get it's been a long time.

    y'all act like 5 years aren't enough for just releasing ONE SINGLE SONG. i get all you say about her health/label issues and all that but i think she got zero excuses at this point. at least stop constantly teasing, stop promising stuff, just STOP. 

  5. someone from pcboards asked ag in person in nyc about his songs with charli and he said that he finds cool and rare when it's only a youtube video

    clearly he was talking about p4u


    why genius people have to assholes :smh:

    he's fat

  6. But like! How do you not feel bad for supporting a shitty person?? 

    i... just... don't care... i stan the music, idc about the shitty artist 

  7. If everyone universally hates XXXTentacion for being a trashy person and an abuser, why should she be excused? Because she makes """futuristic""" pop music? Double standards is how i see this. & if threads for singers that are exposed for being pedophiles are closed, this one should be too, as well as the xxxtentacion thread et al 

    sis people still listen to xxxtentacion on a daily basis and his songs are still charting, no one cares about how shitty/disgusting an artist is. as long as someone likes the music they will still be listening, just get over it.


    you don't want to support poppy or listen to her music? fine, that's your choice! but you can't obligate others to do the same, it doesn't matter how wrong it is to support her for you. so stop coming into this thread and just ignore it.

  8. she also said that guardian it’s a thing on its own. she said she can’t release it before anything new/from masochism comes out. but she said she is going to release it someday cause she really wants to. but for now it seems like it’s not on masochism anymore.


    (she commented on instagram about it i dont have a link right now cuz im on my phone but you can find everything on sky ferreira updates on twitter)

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