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Pico Ocean Boulevard

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Everything posted by Pico Ocean Boulevard

  1. Finally I can say that Nfr! is my favourite album from Queen Mother I love still UV and HM and their will ever be masterpieces and Iconic and unique but Nfr really is my current favourite. But UV and HM will never be forgotten. Nfr - UV -HM is the holy trinity and have a special place in my heart and Born to die was an important Album for Miss del Rey and I still adore it. Paradise is still cute And Lfl feels like a Lana playlist with some great/good songs (Heroin,Get Free,13 Bitches) and some okay songs(for example the title track)
  2. Norman Fucking Rockwell - 20 Mariners Apartment Complex - 14 Venice Bitch - 17 Fuck it I love you - 2 (+) Love Song - 12 Cinnamon Girl - 13 California - 11 The Greatest - 20 Bartender - 14 Happiness is a Butterfly - 10 (-) hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it - 6 I'm sorry for Happiness but I can't see how FILLY will be killed soon
  3. I didn't find it on Youtube but I found it on Insta https://www.instagram.com/p/BilZRoYhFIs/
  4. The Album flows so well And why said no one that the snippet we heard last year on Chucks Insta story (with a Video producer) was a snippet of Bartender Finally I know what she sings in the snippet: And when at last the day is done, I grab (my keys) I always heard: It would'nt last the day is gone I break...
  5. Norman Fucking Rockwell - 17 Mariners Apartment Complex - 12 Venice Bitch - 16 Fuck it I Love You - 8 Doin' Time - 6 (-) Love Song - 11 Cinnamon Girl - 12 (+) California - 12 The Greatest - 17 Bartender - 15 Happiness is a Butterfly - 12 hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it - 1
  6. After many listens I'm able to name my Top 5 songs : Cinnamon Girl, Venice Bitch, California, The Greatest, Love Song These Songs are God Tier for me and like a 11 out of 10 the rest of the fucking Album is still so good and I love every track. No skips needed LANA TRULY DID THIS
  7. Lana Stans>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>Taylor Stans
  8. Yeah. First i didn't like it on the record that much but now I'm glad that it is on the Album
  9. Do you guys think this could be another Mtwbt/Honeymoon situation? Because if I remember correctly Honeymoon was first titled Mtwbt. So do you think the album title will change bc White Hot Forever is in an early stage (I guess). I hope she doesn't change the Title. I get Hot Summer days and Lizzy vibes from it
  10. Lana is back and cooler than ever In this dry long era I listened to every snippet and I listened to every Single and to the leaked TG and FILLY. I think this time I will doing it differently. I will try to not listen to snippets and leaks. Please give me some strenghth for my Willpower. This time I want more surprises when the album is out
  11. Jack I love these Chors is the first track. Yeah but Muscle Beach Baby is missing. It will be on LDR8 reworked like BAR with new lyrics
  12. This would be amazing. I would nice to have a little happier Album of her with Yosemite , Hey Blue Baby, Roses bloom and so on. Maybe this record could transition from a sadder sound like the greatest/Hope to more happier sounding songs like Yosemite
  13. I really love this Album and I'm glad that I don't dislike any song NfR: THE INTRO!!! So good and really like the part where she sings blue in such a high tone. A really good Title Track and it grows on me with every listen MAC: The transitioning between the Title Track and Mac is so beautiful. Mac is still a great song Venice Bitch: Still the Bitch and doesn't feel like a 10 minute song and the guitar solo=eargasmn FILLY: Love the Album version. It's cute little bop Doin Time: It fits better than I thought. It's nice bop Love Song: The INTRO this track hit me hard at the first listen. But it is still after few listens a masterpiece and so bittersweet Cinnamon Girl: AMAZING UNBELIEVABLE MASTERPIECE. THE OUTRO THE CHORUS EVERYTHING IS SO GOOD How to disapper: I like it. It sounds dreamy for me California: This song left me speechless. MASTERPIECE TNBAR: I love it. The Demo is still superior but the new versions fits better in the album The Greatest: Good heartbreaking lyrics and sonically it is so good. The Outro brought me to tears. I love how it changed to piano to introduce the last part of the Album Bartender: I love it. The piano is beautiful and the way she sings Bartender.. Happiness is Butterfly: I really did this song dirty. It is million times better than I expected. The second Verse is a Highlight of the Song Hope : A nice closer. Love it
  14. 1.Jack I Love Those Chords 2. Hey Blue Baby 3. Drinking Matcha While Watching the Gays Clownery 4. Roses bloom for you 5. Hillsong- Church services in my mind 6. Ice Truck Queen 7. White Hot Forever 8.Blue Hot Forever 9. How much do I love Nachos with cheese? 10. No bad Burritos on our Summer vacation 11. I must be stupid for being so happy delusional 12. Yosemite My guess for the tracklist btw
  15. Lana is on Lanaboards confirmed. So yesterday we were in pain that pre-release thread of Nfr come to an End and now we have one like WHAT THE FUCK I LOVE HER And we have a new chance to reach the 4000 pages. LETS GOOO
  16. Good night guys I have to go to bed now..sadly.. But this was such great time (and album). Have fun and don't forget to go to 4000 pages Love you all and you are the funniest persons on earth and this is the most -iconic pre-release thread ever See u on he Post-Release Thread
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