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Pico Ocean Boulevard

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Everything posted by Pico Ocean Boulevard

  1. I found this interview. She said the she had the character type of Harvey Weinstein and Harry Winston in her mind and that she thought it was funny back when she wrote it. Nowadays she thinks that it is sad.
  2. I think Cola is about the type of men like Harvey is. Norman fucking Rockwell is a song about men who are this kind of type like Rockwell was and I think the same situation is Cola. She had the type of Harvey Weinstein in her mind when she wrote Cola. Maybe she had a fling with him but we only can speculate. Did weinstein bad things and is a asshole? Yes. Is he bad like Hitler who started a world war and killed thousands of people?. No. Some of you should calm down. Lana is not Eva Braun 2.0 because she maybe had a fling with Harvey Weinstein. And we don't know if she called the paps. What is the use for her? To show that Chase Stogel is over? We don't know. Maybe the cop guy called the paps. He is a reality star who is now seen with a huge singer (Lana) who released her 6th studio album and get very good critics. But why is Azealia again yelling at Lana for no obvious reason? Maybe Azealia is right with some points but is that enough to tweet things like "The truth she's gonna die" and be disrespectful to Lana again. Azealia should shut up her mouth. And we will see how things will develope between Lana and Sean Larkin. And we don't know what exactly was between her and Harvey but she stopped singing Cola bc this song mentioned Harvey Weinstein type of people. And Lana didn't really complain about the paparazzis in NYC. In my opinion she was joking when she said that she would wear sth different if she had knew that they got photographed....
  3. If she would ever hurt Lana or sth like this the whole Lana fandom would be the hell in person and burning down Azealias house and kill her with her fucking soap in her throat If I remember correctly this soap cooking bitch tweeted last year that Lanas house will get burned or sth lke this........she is fucking psycho
  4. Seriously what is her fucking problem? Is this jealous bitch smoking to much crack...or what is wrong with her?
  5. Norman Fucking Rockwell - 10 (-) Mariners Apartment Complex - 17 Venice Bitch - 18 California - 16 (+) Bartender - 81
  6. Pretty when you cry vs Sad Girl
  7. Pawn Shop Blues vs Wayamaya
  8. Wait......could it be that Lana learned something from the Nfr era??? At least a little bit?! Because this album is supposed to be a surprise release in the next decade next year ...hopefully.... so Lana have not to tell us a release date and to be honest in the Nfr era it was a BIG FUCKING DRAMA WITH THE RELEASE DATE! The album can be released anytime but not within the next 12 months And I think she doesn't have to do much or alboom promo in general. Maybe she tells us so early that she is working on Whf so that we know that she works on new music and that we know that we have enough time to reach the 4000 pages
  9. Agree 100% I can understand when she sings her bigger songs like SSadness, Btd, Doin Time on festivals bc there are people who maybe now only Lanas bigger songs or her Born to die songs. But on her own shows are mostly real fans or the hardcore fans and she can sing every song from her discography to them even leaked songs and we would know and like them. It would be so amazing if she would perform California, Love Song , The blackest Day, west Coast or Terrence live She could at least perform the songs live she put out as singles aka Filly and The greatest
  10. If Lana would make songs like this on WHF ...... a stan can dream even it is a dangerous thing for stans like us to have - but we have it anyways (let the clownery begin mp3. White hot forever version + Jack speaking bullsh*t at the end of the song edition) (btw does anybody know what song this is)
  11. Her next Album NEED BRIDGES AGAIN!!!!! Lana always has the best bridges For example the bridge in Sad Girl or in Terrence loves you or in the blackest Day :legend: !!! Nfr has no bad song and is a very good album and I love the instrumental parts and the intros and outros but imagine some of the songs would have a really good bridge the power that that has
  12. I love Nfr but if she would make a Nfr 2.0 I would be very disappointed. Hopefully she changed the sound at least a little bit.
  13. If Lana would be clever she would start to sing more Nfr songs. Her fans beg and ask her to for example to sing California and Happiness is a Butterfly. She tried it but messed up with the lyrics. If she would clever she could learn between the shows some of her OWN LYRICS and can perform at least some Nfr songs acapella in full and with the right lyrics. I say acapella bc I now it would be to much work for her to show the band how to disappear to play those songs. And maybe there is not enough time between the shows to learn the Nfr songs now but she could show the band how to play the songs weeks ago Ad I'm sure they could learn the songs very fast bc her band is good and Blake is for example a very good guitarist. On the other Hand fans are begging for years that Lana sing for example The blackest Day, Heroin or many other songs. They wanted her to sing Get free, she did it acapella but why is she not able to understand that she could play these songs in full lenghth with instrumentation and make the fans happy.
  14. Banned for downvote California in the Nfr survivor
  15. Ultraviolence was first called Black Beauty...I didn't know that. I believe you but is there any proof?
  16. If she will put out songs like Oh say you can see and Pawn Shop Blues again I would cry tears of happiness
  17. Or maybe this album is full of sexy cute bops which get your sad ass twerking. An Album that could play in a stripclub as sexy background music. With Songs like Cherry,Gods and Monsters,Cinnamon Girl,Freak ,High by the beach or Off to the races Maybe a little bit "faster" album with some bops . But not like Lfl songs. A bigger album with a big,good production like the songs I named above. So this album would be a little bit of a contrast to Nfr sonically but no Lfl 2.0 I would love if Tim Lacrombe or Justin Parker would jump on a few tracks . On the other hand I'm always ready for Lanas guitar driven, rock , metal album or for a Wayamaya meets Florida Kilos sounding album
  18. Norman Fucking Rockwell - 11 Mariners Apartment Complex - 19 Venice Bitch - 17 California - 16 + Bartender - 79 -
  19. Lana said she has written most parts of the songs if I remember correctly. But i think that the album title could change bc this album is in an early stage and Lana maybe writes a new song which she loves so much that it would be the new title track. But I hope the title Whf stays
  20. Norman Fucking Rockwell - 9.5 Mariners Apartment Complex - 9.5 Venice Bitch - 10 Fuck It I Love You - 9.5 Doin’ Time - 8 Love Song - 10 Cinnamon Girl - 10 How To Disappear - 7.5 California - 10 The Next Best American Record - 9 The Greatest - 10 Bartender - 9 Happiness Is A Butterfly - 8 Hope - 8
  21. This was not easy.... Pretty when you cry vs Gods and Monsters
  22. Norman Fucking Rockwell - 12 Mariners Apartment Complex - 19 Venice Bitch - 17 California - 17 (+) Bartender - 77 (-)
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