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Pico Ocean Boulevard

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Everything posted by Pico Ocean Boulevard

  1. Mary JFK Fuck Marylin Monroe Kill Elvis Donald Trump , Michelle Obama, A random cow
  2. NFR! has a day in the Life feeling and that's why I'm not bothered about those nitpicks bc of that and I don't hear some of them. This is her most organic record. I have to agree with UltraHeroin. The room sounds add something special for me. I think I would be more bothered if some of the mistakes were happened on some of her previous records like HM bc the production is bigger and rich on those records. And NFR! is very cohesive. Not cohesive like Honeymoon but it is cohesive
  3. Yeah you are back! I haven't read anything from you in such a long time.
  4. I would not be surprised if Looking for America will be on this album. If the sound of WHF is similiar like NFR! it would fit sonically and we thought Coachella and Doin' Time shouldn't be on a album and look what happend.....
  5. I really like NFR! and I still listen a lot to it. UV , HM and NFR! are Lanas best albums for me. But I have to say that I barely listen to Honeymoon in full. Honeymoon is such a good album and a mood album. I really wanna enjoy the listening. That's why I only hear the album in my holidays, when I'm alone at home or when I'm sun bathing. . UV still is my fave album and I love to listen to it on rainy and stormy days and every now and then. I need everyday a listen to West Coast..... a bop! Of course I'm listening to many songs besides the album, I'm only talking about listening to the whole record. The difference to NFR! is that it is more stripped down and acoustic. It has a day in the life feeling.That's why play the album so often. It fits perfectly for driving, when your cleaning the house, cooking......I can understand that some people have problems with the production of this album. The production is not that rich or big like on her previous albums..
  6. 1.Let me love you like a woman 2. White Hot forever 3. My police man wants to kill your mother 4. In the Land of forgotten musicvideos ( RIP Nfr, Hiab und Bartender video mp3.version) 5. Yosemite-I'm no longer a candle in the wind 6. Roses Bloom for you 7. How to make long ass song titles 8. Yoga pants are a very dangerous thing for me to have- but I fucking have them 9. The zodiac sign song for my astrology hoes 10. The first front row- Win Edwards in my mind 11. Don't call me an angel remix- feat. Ariana Grande, Miley Cyrus, Cardi B, Kanye West, G-eazy & more 12. I will spill the tea about the conspiracy theories about me and my mother in 10 fucking years 13. Wicked Game- with Chris Isaak 14. For K part 3 - I used Sean Larkin to get you out of prison 15. It is time to say goodbye to Jack Antonoffs Dick
  7. But he is such a gentleman..... Look at the picture and you what I mean
  8. I have nothing against him and he is not bad producer. But this thought come always in mind and I can't nothing so against that lmfao
  9. If he could go on without your help, he would do it all by himself vs I lost myself and I lost you too And I still get trashed, baby When I hear your tunes
  10. I really like the new record and don't want to be rude against Jack Antonoff but everytime I see a picture of him I think that he has autismn and i don't know why
  11. Whaat!!?? I always thought the micros of them are deco and fake. Do you have a video in which this is noticeable? I'm interested to hear that
  12. California vs Money Power and Glory
  13. I remember a rumour I heard years ago (but I think it was on Instagram or somewhere under a Youtubevideo but I'm not sure) Someone said that Lana had a argue with at least her father and they haven't talked for years. And that was a reason why she moved to the Trailer park. I mean after I read the part with her family I really believe that there is a bigger secret which has to do with her family. But idk if the rumour is true or if the rumour makes sense. . I guess we will hear the secret never or in 10-20 years. I thought the same. Wasn't she playing guitar while she was singing during her May Jailer era or earlier on her first songs? And didn't she sang Yayo last year while she was playing the guitar?
  14. That was the impact of the NFR! Tracklist
  15. Gramma vs Prom Song gone wrong
  16. Banned for being a fan since the 19th century
  17. Norman Fucking Rockwell - 8 Mariners Apartment Complex - 14 Venice Bitch - 20+ California - 19 Bartender - 82 - I'm sorry but Bartender is not that good to have more points than the rest has together
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