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Pico Ocean Boulevard

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Everything posted by Pico Ocean Boulevard

  1. I called a doctor this morning and I'm not allowed to go to him because I had contact to a person (best friend) who had contact to a person who is a most likely infected but I can't get tested if I have Corona or not because I don't have fever and I have to wait until my best friend gets tested positive. So I have to wait... I try to stay away from my family members and my coughing gets worse today (It could be the flu again but god knows.)...
  2. Prom Song vs Doin Time
  3. Ich rufe morgen früh aufjedenfall bei meinem Hausarzt an und erzähle ihm alles. Aufjedenfall müsste ich mal durchgecheckt werden egal ob das jetzt wegen dem Coronavirus oder noch wegen meiner Grippe ist. Kriege nämlich immoment kaum Luft und habe Husten. Ich hoffe das es deinem Vater wieder gut. Hoffe auch das ihr keinen Coronavirus hattet aber es könnte wahrscheinlich Corona gewesen sein. Ist halt blöd das du und deine Mum sich nicht testen lassen können.....es gibt mehrere Menschen die den Virus in sich tragen und keine Symptome zeigen und sich nicht testen lassen können bzw dürfen weil eben keine Symptome oder kein Kontakt zu einem/r bestätigten Infizierten besteht. Finde ich auch nur zum Augen rollen....
  4. I was in contact with a lot of family members in the last few days. And on Friday I was in school because I had an oral exam and I got great results and some family members visited me to congratulate me on this day but I met my best friend who had possible contact with a Corona infected person on Saturday. Nevertheless, I'm worried as well. But luckily no of my family members shows any symptoms yet.
  5. The Coronavirus is way more serious than I thought a month ago. Back then I thought it would be like the flu but I think this virus is worse than the flu. It's insane how fast it is spreading. The people who over panic made everything worse. Yesterday a co-worker of my father told to my dad that he went to a supermarket and saw two people fighting for toilet paper and then didn't want to stop until a worker at the supermarket called the police the last time I left the house was on Saturday. I was sitting with my best friend in her garden, two meters away from her. We decided to meet for the last time because we both decided to stay for the next two weeks at home completely. Yesterday she texts me and said that she met a friend last week and her friend has a boyfriend and his mother has the Coronavirus. Now the friend and the boyfriend get tested if they have the Coronavirus or not. But they most likely have it. And my best friend met her friend last Wednesday. We don't know if her friend or the boyfriend and the mother had the Coronavirus back then because the mother got tested on Saturday if I remember correctly. If my best friend has the Coronavirus as well I don't know if I could have Corona too. She has symptoms of a cold and I woke up with a hurting throat this morning. I had the flu for the last three weeks ago and last week I was almost healthy again. But I can still barely breathe and I still have to cough. Maybe it is still my flu but I don't know. The problem is that I have to go to my grandma every morning (she has her own flat in our house) and check after her because my parents are at work and my grandpa is in a hospital because of heart problems. And I don't want to infect my grandma...
  6. Das stimmt. Finde es echt bescheuert das Klopapier immernoch so gut wie ausverkauft ist. Ich hoffe dir geht es soweit noch gut.Ich war übrigens überrascht hier eine Antwort auf deutsch zu lesen
  7. Oh, I didn't know that. I swear some people..... Thank you for being a "bitch" and leaking/sharing the snippet with us.
  8. I love sitting on the beach and being by the sea. Being by the sea calms me down so much and I can't explain but it has something magical for me. The sea, the wind, the sand between my toes. It's like a cure for my soul. I live four/five hours away from the sea so I'm not that often by the sea but I have to drive to the sea at least one or two times in a year otherwise I would go a little bit insane. Last year I was listening to Venice Bitch for the first time at the beach. My feet were in the water, the wind in my hair and the sun on my skin. I saw some boats on the blue-green water, seagulls in the sky and it was magical and one of my best experiences ever And maybe that sounds a little bit weird but I hate onions!!! White onions, red onions, roasted onions. I hate the smell, the consistency, the taste of them and even the word onion (in german it's called "Zwiebel". It's so disgusting to me.
  9. Wait...I heard about Wild one. If I remember correctly Justin Parker was named as the producer... Nevermind !eak it
  10. Oh....are they even Honeymoon outtakes we know about? It would be interesting to hear them
  11. Banned for having lyrics from Cherry Blossom in your signature
  12. Banned for being a fan before time Banned myself because I was to slow and now I'm confused
  13. Ridin' vs Summer Bummer
  14. He probably has to drive every 10 minutes to a supermarket because people are ready to kill each other to get the last toilet paper roll
  15. "Lana why does my bathroom smell like weed? And what are those violet blue green red pills?Are you doing drugs? And why you have a song called Heroin and in FILLY you sing shoot up my veins in neon.. " "Sean I think it is better if we are just friends.." "Why? Because I have to arrest you if you really doing drugs?" "No I don't do drugs *coughs* your just..erm..the energy you gave me in bed is zero.."
  16. Brooklyn Baby vs Pretty when you cry
  17. Lana has weird traditions. Around the release of nearly every album she broke up with someone And if there is a title 'track' it has to be track number 2.
  18. I was not the biggest fan of Sean so I'm lowkey happy. Nevertheless I'm sorry for Lana. Hopefully she will find the right person in the near future
  19. Right now, we’re just friends,” he said of Del Rey. “We still talk and whatnot, we just have busy schedules right now." Lowkey happy that they are only friends now and not girlfriend and boyfriend anymore. Hopefully Lana is busy because she is working on the spoken word album or on LDR7. Edit: I'm not the biggest fan of this Cop but I'm happy for Lana if she is in a happy relationship. And I hope that she will find the right person in the near future and can finally settle down with someone
  20. The Blackest Day: I heard "a half-life in lost dreams" instead of "I have heavy heartstrings" for very long time and I'm kinda disappointed now Blue Jeans: "Sally come on Monday" instead of "Said he'd come home Monday"
  21. I think I am one of the few people that still want that Machine Gun Kelly and Lana feature. I like some of his music and Lana is my favourite artist and I'm curious how this song sounds( I know we have snippet but it is to short for me)
  22. Big bad wolf vs Fuck it I love you
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