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Posts posted by gasstationkween

  1. What did Lana do lol, sorry you’re fave made a record you don’t like 

    Not as bad as everyone is saying but definitely her weakest album 

  2. 1 minute ago, Tropico Angel said:

    think bigger: her team literally paid the "Insiders" some good money or make them signed a contract to deflect everyone and make us think that "arhhhghh this bitch lied to us, again, same old shit, the album isnt coming, it's hopeless" sort of things... but in fact, the project is *secretly* coming, without a warning. 

    Let's remember that she announce 1st June - the fake release date to ACTUALLY make us think she was lying ON PURPOSE and then announce 4th July as the "real" release date, when already got us off guard, thinking "she's still lying, we won't believe her" but 4th of July is the real shit. 


    A little dreaming never hurt nobody :trisha:

    I for sure believe that the insiders have been told to shut up by her team, they have been basically radio silent

  3. 48 minutes ago, Deadly Cruel Girl said:

    For the sake of the new baby coming, I hope Pattie and Lana can put their issues aside. Get some counseling, see a therapists, but leave the drama out. Chuck should be able to see her own mother and so does the baby that's coming. If Lana is going to have a tantrum when she's near her mother, maybe they both should visit Chuck and the baby at different times.

    How they hell do you know that Chuck even wants to see her mother 

  4. 2 hours ago, melodrama said:

    Today an another insider described it as her Honeymoon :biblio:

    Who said that:oh: I’d love it but honeymoon type production is not in jacks repertoire no shade, just couldn’t see him going that direction plus is it not meant to be beach boys vibes 

  5. I’m predicting really poetic wordy lyrics with unexpected song structures and production moments. I feel like a lot of these songs will radiate black beauty and fine China type energy. One or two really sexy Mike dean produced songs aswell delving into taboo topics. Dream album cover will be her sitting on a blue staircase with a younger version of herself looking up at her.

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