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Everything posted by kraljicabenzinske

  1. i'm skeptical about that because wouldn't we have at least some info about it by now? has it ever happened that she had a mv coming and we knew absolutely nothing about it? (not including the mvs she filmed privately herself like the NFR ones)
  2. i meant to sleep until 12 - 12:30 to shorten my wait time but I woke up before 10 'cus i had a nightmare about having PE in school and I don't even go to school for 5 years now like it still haunts me
  3. i'm so proud of us for finally getting some self-respect and not sucking the insider's cocc lanaboards collective character development
  4. this cocky attitude just cause you got the song before us😭 girl humble yourself and respect the peasants even when you make it in life
  5. Exactly its so random like Maybe the song already leaked somewhere, none of us found it but this person did, so they aren’t even an insider actually lol
  6. Im so sorry i forgot, also im on phone and using spoiler tag here is a nightmare so i didn’t want to bother because the og lyrics post wasnt in a spoiler tag either😭
  7. Lana doing a cartwheel for the first time since she was 9 not us posting the exact same gif at the exact second omg
  8. the chinese have put the song on the streaming service as the next step in the balloons experiment and we fell for it lanaboards when will we learn
  9. fake insiders always giving attitude that's why kintsugi was revolutionary he was the first miss congeniality insider yall will never reach that level
  10. LITERALLY i get a mini heart attack every time i see a @kuntsugi post cus i always read Kintsugi
  11. us unemployed Central European Time girls really won cus I'll go to bed soon, wake up around noon and then only 4-5 hours of waiting !!!!!
  12. why does it say that all the YouTube playlists on her channel were updated like 2-3 days ago? like every single playlist was updated recently. the tunnel one was updated 2 days ago. for some (like the one that was WFWF on it) it even says they were updated today
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