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Everything posted by kraljicabenzinske

  1. i'm randomly listening to that random link of a random interview someone randomly dropped and she said she's writing lyrics in car lmao okay that explains love song is that the interview where she said she's a reublican or what?? its 14 minutes i dont have that much time
  2. hey clownbaords, what did i miss?? what did lana do now, fill me in, send recepits
  3. that makes sense since cinnamon is mentioned in Radio. i think i read somewhere that Radio's original title was "Cinnamon" so I like this reference never even heard about this fanamade short version. I've never not listened the whole Venice Bitch, that's a sin
  4. Love how lana’s team fucks up everything but never forgets to post on facebook
  5. how bad do you want that bone because people don't seem to hear you barking anymore
  6. queen already has merch. i wanted to buy but it said "sorry all of our 1,000,000 copies got sold in the first minute" HER MIND outsold lana
  7. can YOU come up w something else other than not getting the dick you so desperately need
  8. your first have to ask for valerie's approval for that, only she gets to make decisions about what other people do i know one of mine is <3
  9. you little fuckers my chest hurts from laughing at those photos. with that being said, keep em coming
  10. valerie's last brain cell trying to run away from inside her mind
  11. VALERIE IS THE PLANT FUCKER GUY this blue thing looks like plant with that green thing omg
  12. lets all put that as our profile picture to honor the next greatest philosophical thinker after kayne west (apparently)
  13. valerie is ahead of her time. she't too advanced for us mortals to understand
  14. your pussy is way too dry to be riding my dick like this
  15. she's here to bless us w her intellectual presence because nobody in real life listens to shit she says so she has to disturb people online
  16. "i dont want to delve into politics" BITCH HOW tell me HOW actually stupid are you? commenting politics is also being a part of politics and ESPECIALLY criticizing what others do politically. its ALL politics and you're delving deep into it i cant believe that someone with this mindset is trying to teach US something ??
  17. she's an intellectual trust her process. right now she's to busy being triggered because lana wants to use her own damn mouth for "kissing a pedophile"
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