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Everything posted by kraljicabenzinske

  1. listening to what? the sounds of this twink being an attention whore because his daddy never loved him
  2. i can't believe we're letting him do this to us, we have to come up w sumn real quick
  3. we'll send you a copy of nfr to your jail cell thank you for your service to the community. i hope you are being arrested for hurting win edwards too
  4. yeah but they really don't get that they can check by themselves if the store has the cd and just act stupid and buy it. like the cashiers even know. unless they are lana stans.. and what are the chances for that? all 209 of us are here on this thread rn
  5. lana's management reading this thread ?? they don't even know who lana is
  6. i'm willing to for nfr. if i had a cd i'd send a copy to everyone with extra tracks of me singing the nfr songs and telling you how beautiful you look today
  7. i cant believe our lgbt ancestors fought and died for lgbt rights just so that the gays could do this nowadays
  8. and the billie stan. don't forget the second most important person in nfr era after lana
  9. we just looked at his face and thought omg it looks like a place where the shit comes out ouf
  10. don't worry he sees an asshole everytime he looks in the mirror
  11. and thats how you become a legend period. unlike that twink
  12. because annoying ass gays bought them thats why. yall see what happens when we have no electroshock therapy ??
  13. so all of those annoying ass gays have album or what?? im so homophobic right now omg
  14. Thats what people have been saying since March... are we surprised though they wanted more money and billie is exactly the product fake depressed locals want to buy... lets see how long will she last And peope comparing billie to lana... pleaseeee billie was 10 years old when lana made #2 longest charting female album in history
  15. Omg thats why he’s coming after me everyone take your potatoes we bombing
  16. That’s literally the one last thing we need to complete this thread sucessfully. The final level
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