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Everything posted by Distantly

  1. If she’s gonna cover a song that’s on topic with that we think this album might be about I want her to do Fame by Irene Cara (unpopular opinion I’m sure)
  2. Okay I got my BIG big order today and it was amazing and magical… but y’all. Why did they include a promotional post card (the same one that Elle got, basically the one signed by Interscope sent to people they sent free stuff to) and they had it in its own box that was labeled “fragile handle with care” and it was nothing else in that box but the post card ???????????? like what was the reason ???
  3. Eclipse did on ATRL reconfirm that the songs are coming tmr at 6pm his time zone for those that were questioning that lol
  4. Not you thinking it’ll get here that quickly jkjk lol I hope it does get here in time I’m just traumatized by my 3/4 Chemtrails related orders still not here
  5. He’s becoming obsessed based on how impressed he is with her music we love to see it!!!!
  6. I’m going to say no, sadly. I ordered this and it never came and they told me I can choose to get another one or a refund. I chose to get another copy and they came back and said sorry there are none left so it’s just a refund. Luckily a month later I eventually got the PD lol.. but yeah sorry I don’t think they’ll restock it’s probably only available on the village now.
  7. Probably written for Norman then and didn’t make it on there or COCC?
  8. I’m so excited for whatever it is omg!!! I feel like Mike dean will take her to space with his trippy ish synths and overall production. His 422 album sounded spacey from what I heard. I think with Norman she was in the water. Very surfy album and a lot of the production was of course very CA and beachy. She rose up to the ground (road trip album and what not) for chemtrails. And now she’ll rise again to space with Deanie ?
  9. Right, I pretty much agree lol!! Was just sharing what happened
  10. Apparently someone on ATRL (I guess they’re an insider?) said there is no Madonna collab at all. Take that as you may, just sharing what’s going on over there lol. No idea how reliable this person is or if it’s just an educated guess (my educated guess would also be that there is no collab with those two also so ??‍♂️)
  11. Omg good for you, deserved!!
  12. No worries lmao this is just too funny! Hi again!!! ?
  13. There's gonna be at least a few HAHAHAAHA EDIT: WAIT is this the SAME KingJay as ATRL right now????? Not us both being in the same threads HIIIII BESTIE!
  14. My big big order is coming Saturday according to USPS tracking (it was reliable for my last order I received which was a smaller one) and I’m SOOOO excited!!! Also I got an email saying stuff from second drop is going away soon so maybe either third drop coming soon or they’ll take the site down for a while until they have a new album to have a merch drop for!!
  15. Yeah this makes me very excited for sure and I definitely don’t even want the album in July if it means she can keep progressing with Mike Dean and making it better better better. I want perfection and COCC is still heavily holding me over (and NFR is giving me life again these last couple weeks too) so I’m fine. I wanna get back into Honeymoon again anyways cause I was listening to it so heavy in February. So yeah I’ll wait for a perfect album ?
  16. So…. I’m gonna break my silence. I absolutely love the title BrokenHeart Debutant and even though it’s made up im so here for it
  17. It just occurred to me, or reoccurred, that we really never did get an album trailer for chemtrails. May that have been a fluke and every future release including BB/RCS has a proper trailer cause I love those
  18. Same here got a label created shipping notification for my release night order which was my big big one!!
  19. I was gonna say like….. what?? I love the fucking album and when I listen to it high I simply collapse to it every time. And definitely can dance/walk/drive/stare at scenery to it. But that’s just me and to each their own!
  20. That’s a dangerous thing to hope for cause I’m feeling doubtful but yes let’s hope!!
  21. They could at least ship everything out before they begin with a third drop lol Today is officially two weeks since they sent out emails saying the LDR rose ashtrays were delayed and they’d ship everything within two weeks, and, well…
  22. I don’t think anyone mentioned it yet but BoZ said on atrl that the era will officially being in two weeks??!!!!!!
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