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Posts posted by StillOnMyMind

  1. Not the COCC slander again. It’s perfect as it is and it perfectly works as a whole album. For Free is beautiful and the LMLYLAW hate is too much. It’s not her best song but the melody is gorgeous and it improves within the album context.

    1 minute ago, Whore of Tropico said:






    It’s about time she reaches her first 90.

  2. She could have left comments and tags deactivated and keep her Instagram active so she wouldn’t have to interact with anyone. Also, she could do like Beyonce and stop following everyone. Comments are where people attack her the most. But she took this weird decision in the middle of an album rollout. I want to understand her but I can’t (the marketing decision, her personal decision is completely understandable). 

  3. 1 hour ago, lover said:

    of course not! being able to spend some 'more' money to physicals is most definitely a privilege and doesn't make someone more or less of a fan :oprah3: sorry if that came out weird, maybe I should've emphasised more on the meaning of showing love and support towards the artist 

    Yeah, you are right. But as I’m spending money on her, I feel better with myself when it comes to listen to leaks. Plus, I stream her as hell so I don’t think listening to leaks is affecting her at all from my side.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Surf Noir said:


    we're gonna miss feeling closer to her, let people feel sad if they feel sad, looking back at old instagram posts was so bittersweet, we'll miss her selfies, her photoshoots, her random videos, announcements, etc. also i don't get the lorde comparisons, this isn't about lorde, this is lanaboards, not lordeboards :toofunny:

    It’s not like she has deactivated forever. She said “for now”. 

  5. What I don’t understand is how her team allowed her to deactivate everything when she has just announced a new album. It’s absurd.


    Anyway, everyone is talking about her on Twitter because of this. Free marketing I guess (intentionally or not).

  6. 29 minutes ago, cruelestworld said:

    I'm sure this has already been discussed in detail so sorry if I missed it and I'm being redundant, but just wondering if people think her deactivation of her socials was sudden or if she was planning it after giving details about BB release? I mean I can see if it was something she wanted to do for a while giving album news, but it does seem a little random. She seemed to be far more active in posting about BB than she was with COCC, plus she was doing other stuff like that post of her passport/visa pics and the pic outside Capitol. Either way, I'm happy to see her stepping back to prioritize her personal life and her projects. I personally don't think an artist's social media is super important unless to announce projects/spread awareness for important causes. Selena's social's (apart from Tik Tok) are run by her assistant plus Lorde has still managed to stay relevant in her album cycle w/o any social media of her own. Even with Reputation,  Taylor did like zero promotion and it still managed to be one of her strongest and most distinctive eras. Plus I doubt Lana will deactivate her Honeymoon account which will always be a cool archive for fans to look back at. As always, the music is the most important part and I'm so looking forward to this album :)

    I only check artists’ Instagrams when they are close to release something. I really don’t care about their lives apart from music. But in general, people don’t.

  7. 1 hour ago, 5Rick said:

    I was just thinking… how shocking it will be to listen to this album now that she is “gone”?


    Try to imagine it. 
    October, 21.

     It’s night.

    Lana is missing from socials and lacks any other form of communication. We haven’t heard from her in a while. And we don’t know anything about her. 
    There was just another single - hopefully Thunder or BBS - between the day she said goodbye to socials and now. 
    We are so close to midnight.

    (Not) ready to fully experience 1 hour of 15 beautiful Lana’s songs. 

    And then it comes. Midnight. Spotify/Apple Music libraries add Blue Banisters to their catalogues.
    And you click play. 
    The initial deaf sound of Text Book starts to roar in your ears.
    And that’s it, the begging of the end. 

    You are alone in your room, it’s cold, everyone else is sleeping, it’s windy and perhaps it will also start raining. But nonetheless there’s only you. And Lana’s voice all around you and in your heart. 

    I can’t guys.
    There’s something incredible special about this release. I can feel it. Generally Lana’s release days (nights) are the happiest and intense moments of my life. But this one… wow. I really don’t know how to cope with it. 




    Last time I couldn’t hold myself and listened to COCC leak (I spent +100€ on her). I don’t know what will happen this time. I’d like to resist and listen on my official local release time, but it will be hard. I’m far more excited for this album than COCC.

  8. 1 minute ago, venicebitch said:

    press releases, newsletters

    Insiders, leakers… We knew about BB details in advance thanks to BOZ and Eclipse. She didn’t even say a thing when the tringle was released and the only post about BB (album) on her instagram was the alternative blue album cover. She uses her Facebook more to promote her music than Instagram actually.

  9. Imagine the reactions if she had posted this before Blue Banisters official announcement. The meltdowns here would have been epic.


    I don’t understand her nor Lorde. She is free not to post anything personal related, but your music? Come on, you are artists, announcing music via e-mail is rusted.

  10. She could keep it just to announce music content and that’s it. She doesn’t even need to deactivate it, her managers could control them when music announcements are needed.


    Plus, she could at least have waited until BB is out. But if it’s her decision I will support. It’s not like she is pretty active there anyway.

  11. 25 minutes ago, GetFree said:

    Does anyone else think the song Chemtrails is a top 5 in her discography? It’s so stunning.


    Like even just the first 3 seconds of the song set such a warm and nostalgic tone. The song is a hug, a warm blanket.


    Old Money


    The greatest

    Chemtrails Over the Country Club

    Brooklyn Baby


    Yeah, according to my top 5 you are right.

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