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Posts posted by StillOnMyMind

  1. 7 minutes ago, Venice Peach said:

    We know that the album is 100% coming this year so that leaves us with 4 possible months:

    - September is too early (unless she releases everything 2 weeks apart or something but I don't see them doing that, also I don't think the vinyl are ready)

    - October may be the month (maybe we'll get a 1 month preorder like she used to do). I can see a late october release.

    - November it's my best bet (the 5th or 12th bc Taylor)
    - December is out (unless it's the first week) cause no one usually releases close to the holidays (unless it's a Christmas album or a compilation)


    In the most realistic scenario that she releases BB on the 12th of November the rollout should be starting soon and we'll have 2 very packed months. Assuming she does the bare minimun promo (using Chemtrails here as reference) things should be coming pretty quickly one after another: We'll have new singles, MVs, the tracklist, photoshoots and interviews all coming in in quick  succession. 

    We'll be finally getting fed this fall :hype:


    At this point she better releases in October. Adele is strongly rumored for November 5th and Taylor comes the week after. I know she does not give a damn about sales and competition but I bet Interscope does.


    Is that insider reliable?

  2. 10 minutes ago, Sportscruiser said:


    I’ll give you the multiple release dates and the album title change but the rest is a reach.


    Everything you know about this record is because you have access to insider infos, you browse LB/ATRL regularly (I suppose) and you benefit from something Lana has never wanted which is a major breach into her music collection that she never authorized/had control over.


    It’s not her fault you know the album’s name once was Arcadia. It’s not her fault you know her unreleased tracks by heart when she had nothing to do with releasing them in the first place. It’s not her fault you have access to what tracks she might have scrapped/included. Remove all of that and all you get is a mishandling of the album release date and the change from Rock Candy Sweet on one hand BUT three released singles + an amazing album artwork + the title Blue Banisters set in stone from her behalf. The rest is something you shouldn’t have known in the first place. To use that info to criticize her is kinda disheartening and disrespectful as well.


    I hope to see you raving the album to high heavens in a couple months or at least provide an opinion that isn’t biased by something she’s not even controlling.

    Best post I have seen in this forum. 

  3. BOZ taste is basically tragic. Don’t take him too seriously. He is an extreme Dula stan that has praised every single thing she has released after FN (standard edition) which generally has been a major choice.

    He hated COCC, suddenly he praised the three new songs and suddenly he does not like it because she has scrapped the song or songs he liked. Then he comes hyping Kacey up like tomorrow does not exist and the title track turned out to be a weird thing. And I could provide more examples of his taste because 95% of the times he loves things I do not. Besides, he is not a Lana stan since who knows. 

    Here it comes another praised album I fear.

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