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Posts posted by StillOnMyMind

  1. If the piano version had been included you would be complaining because of the amount of piano ballads:








    I love it the way it is. I don’t think it’s bad produced or cheap. She shouldn’t have performed it in first place; opinions would be sooooo much different now.

  2. I saved her Spotify streams from yesterday and checked them today and wow! pretty dope! Way much better than LFL.


    NFR - 60k -> 2.2mln

    MAC - 38.984.924 -> 40.122.052

    VENICE - 25.674.672 -> 26.687.186

    FUCK - 5.5mln -> 6.9mln

    DOIN - 36mln -> 37.5mln

    LOVE SONG - 34k -> 1.1m

    CINNAMON - 35k -> 1.253.004 mln

    HTD - 27k -> 973k

    CALIFORNIA - 27k - 977k

    BAR - 23 -> 829k

    THE GREATEST - 3.5mln -> 4.5mln 

    Bartender - 20k -> 707k

    HAPPINESS -> 24k -> 828k

    HOPE -> 34.8mln -> 35.4mln


    NFR is probably the next single. The streams are stunning, didn't expect this. I mean, the song is immaculate but the difference over the rest is actually big.


    Cinnamon Girl and Love Song should end the era, but knowing Lana if we get a one more single we are blessed.

    Why people don't like bartender :(


    It's the weirdest track on the album and the melody is not that instant. It's a great track, but I guess it needs to grow on people.

  3. I've just watched Ajayll's reaction and I wasn't ready for this. I mean, I said yesterday that she tends to overreact, but this reaction is the first one I saw from her that is completely pure and fluent.


    I feel her because this is what I felt the first time I listened to the album. She loved all damn god songs excepting California and Bartender (the first one kinda surprised me). And there's a particular detail for me, she adored HTD and TNBAR and this is obviously because she didn't heard the first versions so she can't judge like you do, and it's what will happen with people on her situation. 12 little marks is her record for all the reactions I've seen of her.


    NFR is definitely Lana's best album, there's no a single doubt for me, it's perfect from the beginning to the end. She did that, that is what she did.

  4. If it’s a surprise release we probably won’t have a single at all. So basically y’all better love NFR & better not complain. This album is basically a secret til release :toofunny: we’ll know everything about it the day it drops.


    Knowing this bitch she will probably put 500 snippets on her instagram. I don't think she will do a surprise release, don't think Interscope is into that.

  5. I think it will get a score of 85.

    Still waiting for Pitchfork. ...



    Also when can we know how many albums were sold?


    And people are saying MAC and VB are remastered? Which parts exactly? I was able to appreciate a difference in the FLAC leaked versions..but I attributed that to the quality..I never guessed she would remaster them?.

    I'd be happy with a 85, still low for this masterpiece but it's decent. The fact that thank u, next got a 86... those reviewers should be ashamed.

  6. Listen, buddy, I’m just trying to express my opinion on the album and pointing out the flaws of it. I’m not trying to argue so you can keep your shady attitude to yourself. Everyone who hasn’t complained about the mixing simply have not noticed it. Some people have good ear for music (I don’t have a good ear for music either but you can still determinate those little details of you know what i’m talking about). It has nothing to do with taste. If you really wanna fight with someone go to the Charli XCX thread or just yell at your pillow. I’m just trying to be nice. If you can’t have a normal conversation on a forum, just log out!


    Take it easy sweetie, what sensitive you are my gosh.

  7. Yeah, I agree... I think the intention with Paradise was that it would be a full body of work and released in 2013 as the follow up? I mean we got 10 official songs anyways, so it is an album in some respects.


    I think this will be another Honeymoon scenario, she confirmed on the release of Ultraviolence that she'd started the next record... Same with Lust For Life title track being written in 2015 around the Honeymoon release.


    I'm assuming White Hot Forever already exists as a finalised demo or song for her to have the album title already?


    Yeah, some people think Paradise is an album, others consider it an EP. I count it as an album. Bruno Mars last album has 9 tracks and it's consider an album so...


    I'm pretty confident that half of WHF is done and she will have it finished by the beginning of 2020. And it will be a title track for sure, I believe.

  8. what? return your HomePad, baby. It’s broken.



    So you’re telling me you can’t hear how bad the level of her voice is in How To Disappear, FIILY, Cinnamon Girl? It’s very annoying. Also someone realized there’s a weird clipping sound at the beginning of HtD.

    Then I should return my Beats too. 


    I don't find anything annoying in those tunes. Maybe is a question of taste. I like it, you don't. Then it doesn't mean it's bad mixed.

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