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Posts posted by StillOnMyMind

  1. 38 minutes ago, triangles19 said:

    I really hope it's not the real album cover, it would make a horrible object as a vinyl or a cd,

    I love this picture but if she wants to use it I think it would be better without any text on it. Just the original unedited pic as the cover, like that :


    My theroy is that she associates that picture for RCS and then BB to show us it's the same album she just renamed, not two diff albums.
    I dare to think it's her "Work in Prgress" visual and not an album cover.

    That pic is tragic in any possible way. She looks sunburnt and the angle is bad. I mean, picking a selfie for a studio album should be forbidden. And to get things worse when it’s a selfie from COCC era with the same hair shown in the video.


    I want to convince myself this is not the cover and she hasn’t lost her mind. Let’s wait until album pre-order.

  2. The Rock Candy Sweet is a total mess. I don’t know what was the point of announcing that when she had Blue Banisters in mind from the beginning. I mean, she recorded the video of the lead single months ago.


    Anyway, I guess the album pre-order is coming when the single is released (based on NFR and COCC rollout). Things will be crystal clear by then.

  3. 44 minutes ago, Nadia14 said:
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    Okay... finally getting around to my full review of COTCC that no one asked for.


    1. White Dress: a stunning album opener. In my opinion, this is one of Lana's best songs because of the vulnerability, rawness, and emotion that shines through. We get a glimpse of what she's thinking and feeling - her fondly looking back at her younger years when she wasn't famous and enjoy the simple things in life. I personally adore her vocals on this song. I think it perfectly captures the emotion she is trying to convey. I also love how everything seems to move in slow motion after the chorus, into the second verse, and throughout the second chorus. Just a gorgeous, dreamy, yet bittersweet track that is definitely a standout in her discography. 10/10

    2. Chemtrails Over The Country Club: this song is it. When it was first released, I could not stop listening to it. it's full of slow build ups and releases, and the outro is one of her best outros on a song in my opinion. The jazziness of the percussion really make this track. The notion of her settling into the every day, and accepting the fate of things out of her control while focusing on the things most important to her in life, I think, perfectly illustrate the themes throughout this album. She looks at the chemtrails as something that is simply pretty to look at, and not at what they may actually mean. Again, another standout. 10/10

    3. Tulsa Jesus Freak: I was the most excited to hear this. From the snippet we heard back in the summer, I knew it had the potential to be one of my favourite Lana songs ever, and she did not disappoint. The imagery and symbolism she is able to create is just pure genius. The use of autotune, also genius. It's just such a perfect track from her breathy vocals, to the subtle adlibs and laughs she adds so deeply into the background. I cried when she started singing the "white hot forever" part. Her voice just melts into my ears and is so soothing. 10/10

    4. Let Me Love You Like A Woman: I was actually into this song when it first came out. After a few weeks though, I will say it did fade into the background for me quite a bit. In the context of this record, I think it fits perfectly. It's a nice bridge between TJF and WAH. That being said, it still isn't my favourite on this album, but the bridge is really pretty. Again continuing with the soft percussion, I think it adds a lot to the song. 7/10

    5. Wild At Heart: The verses on this song are just so precious. The HTD sampling was pretty jarring. Lana does things with intention, so I don't see how that was just a random choice, especially with the hints of Love Song and Hope that can also be heard. It's an enjoyable track, and again, one that slowly builds and releases. 8/10

    6. Dark But Just A Game: simply a career highlight. The 90s/00s vibes I get from this are immaculate. I love the bass in the verses, I love the lyrics, I love the chorus. It sounds similar to The Weeknd's Starboy in the best way. I really think this is the most accessible track of the album. 9/10

    7. Not All Who Wander Are Lost: This one grew on me really quickly. The way she sings the verses. dragging out syllables mid-line, just hits me every single time. Her ability to draw emotion simply from her delivery is one of the many many things I love about Lana. She is SO intentioned with everything that she does, and it makes songs like this one that much better. It gives me such Lizzy vibes - reminds me of Pawn Shop Blues. The chorus builds with her harmonising with herself in the most epic way. It's such a sweet little song. 10/10

    8. Yosemite: This. I love the folkiness of this track. It is so dreamy, yet ominous, witchy, and also happy (?). Such a unique and interesting sound (although some parts remind me of Change, but that's not a bad thing!!) I honestly think this is another standout on this record. The bridge is my favourite bridge on this album, and one of my favourite Lana bridges ever. The instrumentation and her sing song/speaking voice compliment each other so so well. My heart also breaks at the way she sings, "withstanding all the time, changes and seasons". It is a masterpiece. 10/10

    9. Breaking Up Slowly: I just adore this cover. I honestly love Nikki Lane's voice, and I think it compliments Lana's. Because of the live snippets we heard, I was hoping there would be a more impactful bridge. I wish the song was just a tiiiiny bit longer, possibly with some drums at the end for a slow build. I think they also could've had the instrumentation linger for a bit and played around with some vocal variations. Otherwise, a gorgeous track. 8.5/10

    10. Dance Till We Die: don't get me wrong, this is a cute lil song. The bridge is fantastic. But it just doesn't stand out to me. This one is the only song on the album that feels like filler. It is pretty anticlimatic (again, with the exception of the bridge) which is strange because the whole album, as mentioned previously, is a whole bunch of slow builds and releases. I think a song like I Talk to Jesus or Pawn Shop Blues would've fit better here. 7/10

    11. For Free: this is a really beautiful cover. I just wish Lana was more the centre in this song. Nonetheless, it is one of the better covers she has done, but I can see myself skipping this one. 8/10


    Overall Album Rating: 9/10.

    Main Points: This is Lana at her most raw, vulnerable, and intimate. This album feels like a warm hug. I feel like I understand her more now, and who she is, and who she is becoming. I just love her so much and I am so proud of who she has grown into as an artist. This album feels like an instant classic and is the perfect length and cohesiveness I expected from her. This is objectively one of her best records, and I cannot wait to see the art she creates in the future. 

    Main Criticisms: I wish Lana's voice was the centre in songs like BUS and FF. This is arguably her most personal album, so I feel like it would've been better suited in order to tell her story. Also, the album cover makes no sense in the context of the album, thematically. I get lonely, running away, hiding from fame throughout this album, which the cover does not accurately portray. It's cute though.



    Breaking Up Slowly is a cover? Since when?

  4. 1 minute ago, Rocket0212 said:
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    This is for sure the least accessible album from her and it's not even about it being folk or not having bops.
    Song structures and melodies are really complicated. I feel like Lana is known for making catchy pop melodies and putting them into different music genres. 
    Even "weird" tracks from Honeymoon like title track have some catchy parts (bridge).

    So I totally understand why some people don't like this album. We all are looking for different things in music.

    She took a huge risk with COCC and I feel like she did that because she has nothing left to prove at this point.


    If Honeymoon is her most hated album is because the melodies are the weakest ones of her career. I mean, even songs like Music To Watch Boys To or Freak, which are singles, have pretty weak melodies (they are good songs tho). Wild At Heart o COCC are much more accessible than anything on HM. Not to mention Tulsa or LMLYLAW.

  5. 13 minutes ago, AngelHeadedHipster said:


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    This album is incredibly short and it seems pretty bland and uninspired. All the songs seem like clones of each other. Not much of a variety sonically. The vibe of the album is basically a "Lazy Afternoon Siesta". Lana sounds burned out and fed up of her career. I blame JackOff for this snoozefest production and her boring ex boyfriend Sean Larkin who pushed her into Granny territory with this boring sound. NFR was way more livelier than COTCC. She has lost the Fire that she had in abundance in the beginning of her career. It seems like now she is putting out an album like this only due to contractual obligations. I'm super disappointed with this album. This is not the Lana we all fell in love with. There is nothing Wild about this album. Somehow the industry has killed off her creative spark. 




    We will pray for you Kathi.

  6. Spoiler

    I have already given my first listen and it's a solid record. One of her best for sure. Of course, I will need more listens to determine in which position I place it. But I don't think it's better than NFR! since that album is truly her masterpiece.

    My ranking so far based on first listen:


    1. Wild at Heart (I don't see the resemblance with HTD, but for me this one is far superior)

    2. COCC

    3. White Dress

    4. Tulsa Jesus Freak

    5. Breaking Up Slowly (this will be an underrated one)

    6. Dark But Just a Game

    7. For Free (amazing cover, I don't like Joni's one but this version is immaculate)

    8. Dance Till We Die

    9. Yosemite (it's beautiful, but I feel it will be the overrated track of this record, I will need more listens tho)

    10. Not All Who Wander Are Lost

    11. Let Me Love You Like a Woman (still a solid track, but for me it's the weakest one here)


    As I said, I will need tons of more listens, but Lana has topped my expectations once again. She just can create magic.


  7. 3 minutes ago, NoSalvation77 said:
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    The only tracks I love : Yosemite , White Dress:smokes2::rock:

    The only tracks that are ok: Dark But Just A game, Tusla Jesus Freak.:delish:

    The rest : Norman F* Rockwell rejects. :yawn:


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    Also Wild At Heart is Literally how to disappear 


    It was fun while it lasted.


    I will wait for the official release now. So maybe my opinion will change.

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    Sick of Jack .



    I'll pray for you Kathi, you and that disgusting mouth of yours.


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