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Everything posted by DeadSeaOfMercury

  1. I could’ve sworn we were at page 770 already? EDIT: this post was just on it?
  2. 1: I want a cocaine coaster. 2: I do love your username - In GTA I say my character sells Raspberry Coke, But due to Covid he has to do Pumpkin Spice coke. Disclaimer - I’m not a coke fiend, It just reminds me of Delorean, AHS and the 1980s…
  3. Next spring she’s probably Making BB deluxe with disc 3 being Chemtrails, Yes blue vinyl, Yes picsart cover. We Won
  4. Plus a matchbox Camry & Defender to drive over the map.
  5. The Car - “from 77’ don’t ever watch the made for dvd sequel” Christine The Exorcist
  6. Omg I had to google Muumuu, I thought it was some weird sexual slang along the lines of hummus.
  7. I just realized Florence is putting an album out next year - Being delusional, Shut up. And Lana is putting out an audio book, Her covers album and possibly the BB follow up. im going to be so broke
  8. I agree, I mean if Apple had their own version of the vaccine - that would have been the one I got, ❤️🖥 But Spotify 4 Life.
  9. I think Lana’s fans are supposed to move to CA, Which I won’t.
  10. But 2nd Best is Daddy’s Home? 3rd Lilith Czar’s. Wolf Alice isn’t on the list? I don’t get it.
  11. I imagine Elle is on Ben’s speed dial every time L**Ks happen.
  12. You know, Lana - I really appreciate you continuing making your music the way you do & Not giving a shit about air play or reviews. One of the only artists I truly love every song of. “Though Guns & Roses was a grower “ Thank You!
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