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Everything posted by Lentilus

  1. Also, NGL, i think Lana's done with trying to please or prove anything to Hollywood. She won't be doing any high profile appearances. And good for her. They tore her down at every opportunity.
  2. I mean it's def not impossible! I'm shook that Arcadia didn't actually leak! We all collectively collapsed during the release for once.
  3. Period! And just for my own comfort and enjoyment of the album release, i deleted all those demos from my library! I need them fresh! King that's UFB
  4. Idk, I'm quite sure this album will be cohesive! The demos she added are definitely added as part of her story telling.
  5. WELL, WE FINALLY MADE IT TO A REAL PRE-RELEASE!! Arcadia is an instant masterpiece, and the interlude is that bitch. I never lost hope for trap making a comeback. Grandma days are over.
  6. Did i miss the memo? What bonus tracks are talking about???
  7. Omw we spilling today! Finally. You could just delete your account
  8. I'm excited for Godcadia to finally release. But I'm scared for all the inevitable piano flops. I guess she's gotta feed the tasteless first. At least Thunder/Dealer will carry this album.
  9. Whatever, let's be excited for the tracklist instead.
  10. It's always a sign! Glad I missed it again. Once was enough trauma.
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