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Posts posted by Lentilus

  1. 8 minutes ago, DeluluKing said:

    Yes and we need new covers like For Free. For me It's a better idea to release unreleased classics than ugly covers. Btw. It's not a good logic. Without Cherry blossom and Thunder we wouldn't have 15 new tracks for example but still only 13. Or 15 with 2 fillers.


    filler tracks < unreleased 10/10 classic

    How dare you. For Free outsold Cherry Flop Blossom

  2. 12 minutes ago, Redhydrangeas99 said:

    So… boz confirmed the cover is still undecided 







    3 minutes ago, DeluluKing said:


    you are wrong

    yosemite is top track

    cherry blossom is top too

    two best songs


    she doesn't even need to rework it - It's perfect

    go listen to this every day sing it and think about it

    and change ur not so powerful anymore mind

    That's just it though king, we CAN listen to it all day if we choose to. This song is old and used. We have it. Be happy with that. I hope she scraps it from this album. We need new songs. 

  3. Sex Book and Wildflower Wildfire. I love and i stan. The current BB is weak af as a title track. She can keep it and release a different BB. Thunder. It will always serve. But we've had it for a while, she can keep it too. CHERRY FLOP BLOSSOM IS A TRAGEDY. Sis has got to give it a rest with all the slow songs. My hope is that she's given us the bulk of the slow songs and now we get something different with a variety of instruments that does not only include piano. 


    There, i said it. I spilled. I snapped. Drage me ho's. :smile4:

  4. 3 minutes ago, gsnlp said:

    let’s talk about color variants of the vinyls that start being produced today 

    I'm sensing n American flag vinyl variant.

    2 minutes ago, lustforlife said:

    Once more. No one is complaining about the changes or the sound but her poor cominication. If u dont have a album dont talk about the album. If u dont have a date, dont give a date. If things get out of what is planned, then just ur dawn social media to speak up

     She can open her Instagram to give hbd to her friends but not to release a statement about her music? 

    Like...this is on Period. It's not hard to just give a fuck enough to delete her July 4 posts and issue an update. 

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