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Posts posted by Lentilus

  1. 53 minutes ago, Lustformoney said:

    to the hoe from ATRL called Venicebeach that keeps calling us stupid illiterate gays from analboards, youre so much better than us yet youre here stalking us daily? fuck off already its not that serious:wub:


  2. I can totally see Lana having a track called: Wedding Vows. 


    What we want: Sexy lyrics/trap beats and her singing that she married the devil, and then sold her soul to the devil for fame. But she got it back because the beast thought she was too much like poison ivy.


    What we get: a soft piano with no real production singing about how in love she is with Clay.





    Seriously though, we really need some info on this future serve of an album. 


  3. Just now, Surf Noir said:

    who else is excited for blue banisters? which will be produced by mike dean? it's coming july 4th 8-EC1-BF0-F-7465-4-B2-A-AD2-B-AD24-F78-C

    Ngl. I'm not as excited as I would like. Things seem too quiet. I'm really afraid to be let down on the possible dates for its release. And I'm afraid this album is gonna have Jack's scent all over it. I am however excited to listen to her work with Mike. 

  4. 1 minute ago, past the bushes said:

    is there anyone else who's tired of Jack but loved NFR/COCC?


    I'm not afraid to say that NFR has a good place in my heart. 

    I was skeptical of Jack working with her again. I thought we would see growth, and we didn't. I'm tired of his production.

  5. 1 minute ago, Max said:

    The way I feel the exact opposite about COCC and NFR is the album I never listen to except Venice Bitch and like two other songs. :smokes3:

    Mike better come thru.

    Funny enough, I love NFR. I mean, that album was fresh. A new type of sound for her. And it continues to flow very naturally in my playthroughs. The album makes me feel good. COCC, idk, it just makes me feel empty.:trisha:

    Daddy Mike has to save this new album!

  6. 2 minutes ago, Max said:

    Also not some of y'all acting like you are above Lana's work pre-Jack and being like "oh y'all are still talking about Jack?? ?" McScuse me bitch? Last time I check we got two records in less than a year from him and Lana, it still is fresh in recent memories, whether you appreciate his work or not. :bye:

    Plssss, i sheleved COCC weeks ago. That album makes me feel like shit on my good mood days. It flopped for me personally. Maybe one day that changes. Idk. Point is. He has to go. Period.

  7. 14 minutes ago, Jack Antonoff is a God said:

    Another album thread turned into a giant circle jerk/echo chamber. A never-ending cesspool of horrible takes. The so-called ''fans'' leading a campaign to turn Lana into another Doja Cat or Dua Lipa because they have one dimensional taste in music. If it isn't strings/synths/guitar heavy melodrama pop, it's automatically categorized as beige, boring, watered-down or trash. 

    Go fuck yourself.

  8. 7 minutes ago, TrashMagiq said:

    why would she have a pic of kevin federline of all people in her house pls that's such a weird thing to make up


    anyways fuck kevin federline. rat.

    It wasn't her house luv....fact check.

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