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Posts posted by Lentilus

  1. 2 minutes ago, Nikogo said:

    I’d love if Lana pulled off the June 1st date! I also agree that Blue Banisters is likely the lead single, and going by the 20 day theory of White Dress it makes sense it’ll be out the 30th!


    But at least with White Dress we had some confirmation of what it was...so far we’re completely in the dark..she only posted one picture on Instagram and then vanished..didn’t give a ‘excited for my new single/poem/whatever it may be’ didn’t give a date, and the Blue Banister picture wasn’t even posted to Facebook or Twitter...it seems like it was a very spur of the moment thing that she posted just because 


    maybe she was greenlit the song coming out and she got excited and announced it early??


    as excited as I am for whatever it is, I’m getting antsy for any kind of follow up information instead of the silence :thumb2:

    The amount of timelines/extensive searching for code/shazam/potential collaborations....this is a full time job. :lmaoney:

  2. 4 minutes ago, Thunder Corpse said:

    Marina's social media posts tend to be cringy. Nothign terrible about it, but it kind of reflects someof her kitschy sjw-lyrics. Case closed. Not really worth fighting over it for the sake of it.


  3. 5 hours ago, Charlottexseax said:

    The Nicki Minaj and Charli are ICONIC moments in Marina’s career they are the farthest thing from cringe


    the one about being a millionaire is bad but it’s not “woke” or “SJW” it’s just dumb her bragging and what’s wrong with that???


    the mentally ill one is bad but we all know what she meant let’s not pretend she was saying some out of this world shit


    Like these are MASSIVE reaches 


    "you have to be mentally ill to be a cop" OMFG MOOD. :eartha:

  4. 16 minutes ago, Lustformoney said:

    Manifesting lana bringing lana lyrics back:nails: no more sitting in the garden watching summer fade away and being blue in a car. We need the violets in between her tights, tangerine dreams and deadly nightshades. If i wanted to hear about boring shit, i would be listening to someone else. I wish nfr never happened cuz it made her realize that critics want boring watered down shit

    You snapped hard bestie !:gurl:

    Hoping theres an NFR/critics, diss song on RCS!!

  5. 2 minutes ago, Pico Boulevard said:

    Reading this thread...I think it’s time for a LB break. You all reached an all time low point 

    like it’s trumatic, horrible & disgusting :heidi:

    Do you all turned into the Jared guy or what :pls:


    I need to wash my eyes now :bebe:

    I'm with you bestie. 

    Us going to the funeral:


  6. 2 minutes ago, HillSongExHomoCantor said:

    by ur cousin? like is it just a family bbq, do you like lana appreciate the queen's cousin love?

    if we all had taste the discourse would be boring

    A taste for snoozefest creators. :oprah2:

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