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Posts posted by Lentilus

  1. 19 minutes ago, heroinmelodies said:

    things nobody asked for :awk: hope she keeps it


    59 minutes ago, stupidapartmentcomplex said:

    casually anticipating this country album :omg: i have low expectations but i'm thinking we might end up pleasantly surprised by Lana's interpretation of country :omg:

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    i'm kind of feeling a yeehaw i'm at the ranch with my friend era for her :omg:


    Aww, that Patrick cowboy  is so cute :party:

  2. 6 minutes ago, Clampigirl said:

    Why are we pretending that Lana doesn't want this as well? :crossed:

    Oh we're not pretending, we've been known that she lacks taste. 







    :troll: jk jk....but yeah, I totally get that people don't want this.

    I'm like whatever at this point. I just hope so much that she treats this professionally and doesnt just dismiss it after announcing it/never posting any promo/ you know...injust wanna see her care about her work. 






  3. 6 minutes ago, ShadesOfFool said:

    I still don’t know why people act like the Pepsi cola pussy line is so shocking or controversial


    like, that’s nothing 

    Same, like damn...people chile

    Just now, Pale Fire said:

    Lana walked so Cardi B could run :azealia:

    I hate how so many youtube reactions always say "ew" or "that's gross" on that cola lyric. Meanwhile people praise WAP and it's repulsive lyrics. pls.:bye: I really hope Lana drags this type of bs on RCS.

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